# Model recognition
## Training source code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout
# Load dataset of images with desired output (facial expressions)
data_dir = 'path/to/dataset'
image_paths = [f for f in os.listdir(data_dir) if f.endswith('.jpg')]
# Create a list to hold our image data and labels
X_train = []
y_train = []
for i, img_path in enumerate(image_paths):
# Load image from disk using OpenCV
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, img_path))
# Resize image to 224x224 pixels (standard for VGG16)
img = cv2.resize(img, (224, 224))
# Convert image to grayscale and normalize pixel values
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_norm = img_gray / 255.0
# Add image data to list
# Assign label for current facial expression (e.g., happy, sad, angry)
if i % 3 == 0: # Label for 'happy' expression
elif i % 3 == 1: # Label for 'sad' expression
else: # Label for 'angry' expression
else: # Label for 'angry' expression
# Create a TensorFlow model using the VGG16 architecture as base
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(224*224,)))
model.add(Dense(32, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(3)) # Output layer for 3 facial expressions
# Compile the model with suitable loss function and optimizer
# Train the model using our dataset
model.fit(np.array(X_train), np.array(y_train), epochs=10, batch_size=32)
print("Model trained!")
## Using the recognition model
import cv2
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
# Load trained model from disk
model_path = 'path/to/trained/model.h5'
model = load_model(model_path)
# Capture video from webcam or load pre-existing image
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
while True:
ret, frame = cap.read()
if not ret:
# Convert frame to grayscale and resize to 224x224 pixels
gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
resized_frame = cv2.resize(gray_frame, (224, 224))
# Add batch dimension for prediction
input_data = np.array([resized_frame])
# Get output probabilities for each facial expression
output_probabilities = model.predict(input_data)
# Print the top 3 predicted expressions with their probabilities
print(np.argsort(-output_probabilities[0])[:3], output_probabilities[0][:3])
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