
  • No apparent bugs in the setup configuration.


  • Ensure that the listed dependencies are up to date and compatible with the rest of your project. Dependency constraints like 'pyserial>=3,<4' can limit updates, missing out on potential bug fixes or improvements present in newer versions.
  • Consider using a requirements.txt file for better dependency handling and management or allowing pip to compile accurate dependency trees.
  • Use classifiers in the setup call to provide more metadata about the package (e.g., specifying the Python version compatibility, stable/dev status, etc.).

Good points

  • Uses find_packages(exclude=...), which is efficient for including all relevant packages without needing to list each explicitly.
  • Clearly defined entry_points for console scripts make it easy to use the package's functionalities from the command line.
  • Comprehensive use of semantic versioning for package versioning.


This setup script is well-structured and adheres to standard practices found in Python packaging using setuptools. The use of find_packages and entry points are particularly well-done, offering both flexibility and ease of use. Theres room for improvement regarding dependency management and metadata enhancement (such as classifiers for greater clarity).

Open source alternatives

  • dsmr-reader: A popular project for reading and logging data from smart meters which also has parsing capabilities.
  • home-assistant.io: Although primarily a home automation platform, it has integrations and parsers for DSMR data.