{ "extension": ".swift", "source": "/// Represents an error coming directly from the devrant API.\npublic struct DevRantApiError: Swift.Error {\n public let message: String\n}\n\npublic extension DevRantApiError {\n struct CodingData: Decodable, Swift.Error {\n let error: String\n }\n}\n\npublic extension DevRantApiError.CodingData {\n var decoded: DevRantApiError {\n .init(message: error)\n }\n}\n", "review": "7\n\n## Bugs\n- No immediate bugs are evident from the code provided.\n\n## Optimizations\n- Consider making CodingData struct also public, since it\u2019s declared inside a public struct but doesn't have default access level modifiers for its properties.\n- Include documentation comments for properties and methods to improve code readability and maintainability.\n- The error property in CodingData could be public if it needs to be accessed outside of the containing module.\n \n## Good points\n- Provides a clear and concise representation of an error by abstracting it into a struct.\n- Proper use of Swift\u2019s error protocol, adhering to Swift's error handling mechanisms.\n- The decoded computed property is a useful bridge to convert between different error representations.\n\n## Summary\nThe code is well-structured and achieves its goal of representing and decoding errors from the DevRant API effectively. However, it could benefit from a few access level adjustments and additional documentation for greater clarity and usability.\n\n## Open source alternatives\n- Alamofire: While primarily a networking library, it includes error handling capabilities.\n- Moya: A powerful networking abstraction layer that can be used with customizable error handling features.", "filename": "DevRantApiError.swift", "path": "Sources/SwiftDevRant/DevRant/DevRantApiError.swift", "directory": "DevRant", "grade": 7, "size": 378, "line_count": 17 }