"extension": ".swift",
"source": "/// Contains the list of rants for the logged in user and other random things.\npublic struct RantFeed: Hashable, Sendable {\n public let rants: [Rant]\n \n public let sessionHash: String?\n \n /// The weekly group rant week number.\n public let weeklyRantWeek: Int?\n \n /// True if the logged in user is subscribed to devRant++.\n public let devRantSupporter: Bool\n \n public let numberOfUnreadNotifications: Int\n \n public let news: News?\n \n public init(rants: [Rant], sessionHash: String?, weeklyRantWeek: Int?, devRantSupporter: Bool, numberOfUnreadNotifications: Int, news: RantFeed.News?) {\n self.rants = rants\n self.sessionHash = sessionHash\n self.weeklyRantWeek = weeklyRantWeek\n self.devRantSupporter = devRantSupporter\n self.numberOfUnreadNotifications = numberOfUnreadNotifications\n self.news = news\n }\n}\n\npublic extension RantFeed {\n enum Sort: Sendable {\n /// The devRant algorithm decides what rants appear in the feed.\n case algorithm\n \n /// The most recent rants appear in the feed.\n case recent\n \n /// The top rated rants appear in the feed.\n case top(range: Range)\n }\n \n enum Range: Sendable {\n /// Rants from the one day.\n case day\n \n /// Rants from the one week.\n case week\n \n /// Rants from the one month.\n case month\n \n /// Rants from all time.\n case all\n }\n}\n\nextension RantFeed {\n struct CodingData: Codable {\n let rants: [Rant.CodingData]\n //let settings //not sure what the purpose is. probably not needed.\n let set: String?\n let wrw: Int?\n let dpp: Int?\n let num_notifs: Int?\n //let unread //probably the same info as already provided by num_notifs, so not needed.\n let news: News.CodingData?\n }\n}\n\nextension RantFeed.CodingData {\n var decoded: RantFeed {\n .init(\n rants: rants.map(\\.decoded),\n sessionHash: `set`,\n weeklyRantWeek: wrw,\n devRantSupporter: (dpp ?? 0) != 0,\n numberOfUnreadNotifications: num_notifs ?? 0,\n news: news?.decoded\n )\n }\n}\n",
"review": "# Grade: 8\n\n## Bugs\n- No explicit bugs in the code are apparent upon initial review, though there might be logical bugs related to optional handling in `decoded`.\n\n## Optimizations\n- Consider providing default values for optional properties in the initializer to simplify and reduce conditional logic usage.\n- Evaluate if `sessionHash`, `weeklyRantWeek`, and `News` really need to be optional. If they are frequently non-nil, consider using defaults instead.\n\n## Good points\n- Use of well-named and structured types, which improves readability and maintainability.\n- Conforms to `Hashable` and `Sendable`, adhering to recent Swift concurrency and collection patterns.\n- Efficient use of Swift's `enum` to handle different sorting types and time ranges for rants.\n \n## Summary\nThe code is a clean and well-structured implementation of a data structure for a Rant feed in a Swift application, supporting integration with Codable for easy data serialization. It effectively uses enums to categorize sorting options and time ranges for rants and provides a decode method to construct a `RantFeed` from its codable counterpart. While it doesn\u2019t contain explicit bugs, there are opportunities for simplification by avoiding optional properties where possible.\n\n## Open source alternatives\n- **RedditKit**: This Swift library can be used to interact with Reddit, which has similarities to a rant-based feed platform.\n- **MastodonKit**: For those who want to interact with Mastodon servers, useful if considering decentralized alternatives akin to microblogging rants.",
"filename": "RantFeed.swift",
"path": "Sources/SwiftDevRant/Models/RantFeed.swift",
"directory": "Models",
"grade": 8,
"size": 2251,
"line_count": 79
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