"extension": ".swift",
"source": "import Foundation\n\n/// Holds information, content and the activity history of a user.\npublic struct Profile: Hashable, Sendable {\n /// The user's alias.\n public let username: String\n \n /// The number of upvotes that the user got from other users.\n public let score: Int\n \n /// The time when the user created the account.\n public let created: Date\n \n /// The description of the user.\n public let about: String?\n \n /// The description of the geographic location.\n public let location: String?\n \n /// The description of the user's skills.\n public let skills: String?\n \n /// The user's GitHub reference.\n public let github: String?\n \n /// The user's personal website.\n public let website: String?\n \n /// The user's content and activities.\n public let content: Content\n \n /// The user's large avatar, for profile views.\n public let avatarLarge: User.Avatar\n \n /// The user's small avatar, for rant views and comment views.\n public let avatarSmall: User.Avatar\n \n /// True if the user is subscribed to devRant++.\n public let devRantSupporter: Bool\n \n /// True if the logged in user is subscribed to the user of this profile.\n public var subscribed: Bool\n \n public init(username: String, score: Int, created: Date, about: String?, location: String?, skills: String?, github: String?, website: String?, content: Profile.Content, avatarLarge: User.Avatar, avatarSmall: User.Avatar, devRantSupporter: Bool, subscribed: Bool) {\n self.username = username\n self.score = score\n self.created = created\n self.about = about\n self.location = location\n self.skills = skills\n self.github = github\n self.website = website\n self.content = content\n self.avatarLarge = avatarLarge\n self.avatarSmall = avatarSmall\n self.devRantSupporter = devRantSupporter\n self.subscribed = subscribed\n }\n}\n\npublic extension Profile {\n enum ContentType: String, Sendable {\n /// All user content.\n case all = \"all\"\n \n /// The user's rants.\n case rants = \"rants\"\n \n /// The user's comments.\n case comments = \"comments\"\n \n /// Rants or comments upvoted by the user.\n case upvoted = \"upvoted\"\n \n /// The user's favorite rants.\n case favorite = \"favorites\"\n \n /// The rants viewd by the user.\n case viewed = \"viewed\"\n }\n}\n\nextension Profile {\n struct CodingData: Codable {\n struct Container: Codable {\n let profile: Profile.CodingData\n let subscribed: Int?\n }\n \n let username: String\n let score: Int\n let created_time: Int\n let about: String\n let location: String\n let skills: String\n let github: String\n let website: String\n let content: Content.CodingData\n let avatar: User.Avatar.CodingData\n let avatar_sm: User.Avatar.CodingData\n let dpp: Int?\n }\n}\n\nextension Profile.CodingData.Container {\n var decoded: Profile {\n return .init(\n username: profile.username,\n score: profile.score,\n created: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(profile.created_time)),\n about: profile.about.isEmpty ? nil : profile.about,\n location: profile.location.isEmpty ? nil : profile.location,\n skills: profile.skills.isEmpty ? nil : profile.skills,\n github: profile.github.isEmpty ? nil : profile.github,\n website: profile.website.isEmpty ? nil : profile.website,\n content: profile.content.decoded,\n avatarLarge: profile.avatar.decoded,\n avatarSmall: profile.avatar_sm.decoded,\n devRantSupporter: (profile.dpp ?? 0) != 0,\n subscribed: (subscribed ?? 0) != 0\n )\n }\n}\n",
"review": "4\n\n## Bugs\n- Misspelled content type `Profile.ContentType.favorite` as \"favorites\" instead of \"favorite\".\n- Misnamed and mismatched JSON keys in `CodingData` struct that don't conform with Swift's naming conventions, such as `created_time`.\n \n## Optimizations\n- Use `CodingKeys` to handle different JSON keys and Swift property names seamlessly.\n- Consider using an enum for properties like `github`, `website`, etc., to handle different types of user references more effectively.\n- `about`, `location`, etc., are strings and could be empty or nil, so consider using a single method or function to handle these checks across the class instead of repeating code.\n- Include error handling or validation for parsing operations to avoid potential runtime errors.\n\n## Good Points\n- Code documentation using comments is clear and thorough, aiding comprehensibility.\n- Usage of `Hashable`, `Sendable`, and `Codable` conformances providing both performance benefits and ease of networking tasks.\n- Logical separation of model into `Profile` and `Profile.CodingData` structures helps keep concerns organized.\n\n## Summary\nThis code encapsulates user profile data effectively with a strong focus on structure and clarity. While the documentation and separation of structures are well executed, the handling of JSON data introduces some potential bugs, especially in naming conventions that can lead to mismatches during encoding/decoding operations. Utilizing Swift's native coding abilities more efficiently and introducing error handling mechanisms would improve the robustness of this implementation.\n\n## Open source alternatives\n- **Nodrop**: An open-source project managing simplified user profile data similar to profile management systems.\n- **Parse Swift**: A backend framework that handles data modeling and synchronization between clients and a central server, often used for user profiles and related functionalities.",
"filename": "Profile.swift",
"path": "Sources/SwiftDevRant/Models/Profile.swift",
"directory": "Models",
"grade": 4,
"size": 3938,
"line_count": 124
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