{ "extension": ".swift", "source": "/// Represents the different kinds of votes that a rant or comment can have.\npublic enum VoteState: Int, Hashable, Sendable {\n /// A given ++ vote.\n case upvoted = 1\n \n /// No votes given.\n case unvoted = 0\n \n /// A given -- vote.\n case downvoted = -1\n \n /// Not able to vote (if the rant or comment belongs to the logged in user).\n case unvotable = -2\n}\n", "review": "8\n\n### Bugs\n- None\n\n### Optimizations\n- None necessary; the code is already concise and efficient.\n\n### Good points\n- Use of enum with Int raw values simplifies direct comparisons and storage in certain types of collections.\n- Conformance to Hashable and Sendable is a good practice for future compatibility and concurrency.\n- Clear documentation comments describe each case, enhancing the understandability.\n- The use of negative, zero, and positive values is intuitive for this domain context (voting logic).\n\n### Summary\nThe code is well-structured, efficiently using Swift's enum to categorize vote states with associated integer values. The choice to adopt Hashable and Sendable suits modern Swift programming best practices, aiding in serialization and safe concurrency. There are no apparent bugs or necessary optimizations, and the documentation is clear and concise.\n\n### Open source alternatives\n- Swift's Result Type: Although more generic, it can be used for similar representations in voting systems.\n- Custom Implementations in Projects like Mastodon or Lemmy: Often, custom voting systems can be seen in open-source frameworks of social media platforms, providing rich functionalities.", "filename": "VoteState.swift", "path": "Sources/SwiftDevRant/Models/VoteState.swift", "directory": "Models", "grade": 8, "size": 388, "line_count": 15 }