"extension": ".swift",
"source": "import Foundation\nimport KreeRequest\n\nextension JSONEncoder {\n static let devRant: JSONEncoder = {\n let encoder = JSONEncoder()\n encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601\n return encoder\n }()\n}\n\nextension JSONDecoder {\n static let devRant: JSONDecoder = {\n let decoder = JSONDecoder()\n decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601WithOptionalFractionalSeconds\n return decoder\n }()\n}\n",
"review": "**8**\n\n## Bugs\n- The `JSONDecoder`'s `dateDecodingStrategy` set to `.iso8601WithOptionalFractionalSeconds` does not exist; it should be `.iso8601`. If a custom strategy for optional fractional seconds is needed, this needs to be implemented separately.\n\n## Optimizations\n- Consider adding error handling or logging to catch issues during JSON encoding/decoding.\n- If `dateDecodingStrategy` with optional fractional seconds is truly required, implement a custom decoding strategy.\n\n## Good points\n- Encapsulation of `JSONEncoder` and `JSONDecoder` configuration within static properties improves code reusability and centralizes configuration.\n- Use of the `.iso8601` date encoding/decoding strategy aligns with a standardized format for date/time.\n\n## Summary\nThis piece of code provides a well-structured approach through extensions to configure `JSONEncoder` and `JSONDecoder` with ISO8601 date strategies, which are commonly used for APIs. The method for encoding is correctly standardized, but there's an issue with using a non-existent decoding strategy for handling optional fractional seconds. The structure itself is clean, maintains good practices for code reusability, and is set up for potentially easy maintenance. Adding error handling could catch configuration issues during actual encoding/decoding operations.\n\n## Open source alternatives\n- SwiftyJSON: A popular Swift library to deal with JSON data with additional features and error handling.\n- CodableAlamofire: Provides extensions for Alamofire to handle JSON encoding/decoding in a type-safe manner with Codable.",
"filename": "DevRantJSONCoder.swift",
"path": "Sources/SwiftDevRant/DevRant/DevRantJSONCoder.swift",
"directory": "DevRant",
"grade": 8,
"size": 430,
"line_count": 19
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