
  • Image Format Assumption: In the multipartBody function, the image is assumed to always be a JPEG, which might not be the case leading to incorrect content types.
  • Unnecessary "plat" and "nari" Parameters: The getRantFeed function contains parameters whose purpose is unknown, which may affect the API call results.
  • Unsafe Force Unwrapping: In appendString, force unwrapping data from string conversion can lead to runtime crashes if nil.


  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling instead of force unwrapping in appendString.
  • String Valuation Improvements: Improve the boundary string concatenation for better readability.
  • Use Codable Protocols: Consider utilizing Swift's Codable protocol more extensively to simplify JSON parsing and mapping.

Good Points

  • Asynchronous Functionality: Makes good use of Swifts async/await features for handling asynchronous operations.
  • Clean Structuring: The code is neatly structured with clear sections for different API calls.
  • Encapsulation: The logic for request configuration is encapsulated in private methods reducing code duplication.


The code is well-structured, with a good use of Swift's modern async/await pattern facilitating asynchronous network requests. The functionality is well-encapsulated in functions, maintaining a clean code structure. However, some assumptions, especially regarding image data handing and forced unwrapping, might lead to runtime issues. Adding comprehensive error checking and handling could be beneficial. Overall, the code serves its purpose well but could improve in terms of robustness.

Open source alternatives

  • Alamofire: A robust library for network requests in Swift, providing many utilities out of the box.
  • Moya: Built on top of Alamofire, Moya provides an abstraction over network requests, simplifying API interaction.
  • HTTPNetworking in SwiftNIO: For more control and performance in building HTTP clients, especially for asynchronous I/O operations.