#include "rrex2.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <regex.h>
void cregex_repeat(char *s, char *r) {
// Get object from shared data object. rbf is session variable of current
// bench function.
regex_t *regex = (regex_t *)rbf->data;
// Only get's executed at beginning of the benchmark. Executed once.
if (rbf->first) {
// Set session data
regex = (regex_t *)malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
rbf->data = regex;
regcomp(regex, r, REG_EXTENDED);
// The code to benchmark
rassert(!regexec(regex, s, 0, NULL, 0))
// Is executed only once at end of benchmark
if (rbf->last) regfree(regex);
void rrex_repeat(char *s, char *r) {
char *bdata = (char *)rbf->data;
if (rbf->first) {
bdata = (char *)malloc(4096);
rrex_compile(r, bdata);
rbf->data = bdata;
rassert(rrex_match(s, bdata));
if (rbf->last) {
int wins_rrex = 0;
int loss_rrex = 0;
nsecs_t total_execution_time = 0;
long total_times = 0;
bool validate_dutch_zipcode_c(char *code) {
if (strlen(code) != 7)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!isdigit(code[i]))
return false;
if (!iswhitespace(code[4])) {
return false;
for (int i = 6; i < 7; i++) {
if (!isalpha(code[i]))
return false;
return true;
bool validate_dutch_zipcode_c_literal(char *code) {
if (strlen(code) != 7)
return false;
return isdigit(code[0]) && isdigit(code[1]) && isdigit(code[2]) &&
isdigit(code[3]) && iswhitespace(code[4]) && isalpha(code[5]) &&
void validate_dutch_zipcode_creg(char *s) {
regex_t regex;
char *pattern = "\\d{4} [a-zA-Z]{2}";
int ret = regcomp(®ex, pattern, REG_EXTENDED);
if (ret) {
printf("cregex comp error\b");
ret = regexec(®ex, s, 0, NULL, 0);
if (!ret) {
printf("cregex exec error\b");
void validate_dutch_zipcode_creg_precompiled(char *s) {
regex_t *regex = (regex_t *)rbf->data;
// Only get's executed at beginning of the benchmark. Executed once.
if (rbf->first) {
// Set session data
regex = (regex_t *)malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
rbf->data = regex;
char *pattern = "\\d{4} [a-zA-Z]{2}";
regcomp(regex, pattern, REG_EXTENDED);
// The code to benchmark
int ret = regexec(regex, s, 0, NULL, 0);
if (!ret) {
printf("cregex exec error\b");
// Is executed only once at end of benchmark
if (rbf->last)
void validate_dutch_zipcode_rrex_precompiled(char *s) {
char *bcode = (char *)rbf->data;
if (rbf->first) {
bcode = (char *)malloc(20);
rrex_compile("\\d{4} [a-zA-Z]{2}", bcode);
rbf->data = bcode;
rrex_match(s, bcode);
if (rbf->last) {
bool validate_dutch_zipcode_rrex(char *s) {
return rrex(s, "\\d{4} [a-zA-Z]{2}");
void benchmark_dutch_zipcode(long times, char *s) {
rbench_t *r = rbench_new();
r->show_progress = false;
r->stdout = false;
r->add_function(r, "rrex", "zipcode", (void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_rrex);
r->add_function(r, "rrex compiled", "zipcode",
(void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_rrex_precompiled);
r->add_function(r, "creg", "zipcode", (void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_creg);
r->add_function(r, "creg compiled", "zipcode",
(void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_creg_precompiled);
r->add_function(r, "native c", "zipcode c",
(void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_c);
r->add_function(r, "native c literal", "zipcode c",
(void *)validate_dutch_zipcode_c_literal);
printf("Benchmarking validation of %s with rrex and native c code.\n", s);
r->execute1(r, times, s);
void benchmark(long times, char *s, char *e) {
rprint("Benchmark \\l string:<%s> expr:<%s>\t\n", s, e);
rbench_t *r;
r = rbench_new();
r->show_progress = false;
r->stdout = false;
r->add_function(r, "executor", "rrex", (void *)rrex_repeat);
r->add_function(r, "executor", "clib", (void *)cregex_repeat);
if (r->execute2(r, times, s, e)->winner == 1) {
} else {
total_execution_time += r->execution_time;
total_times += times * 2;
void rrex_benchmark_tests(long times) {
benchmark_dutch_zipcode(times / 10, "7245 SR");
benchmark_dutch_zipcode(times / 10, "A245 SR");
benchmark_dutch_zipcode(times / 10, "7245 S3");
benchmark(times, "abababc", "^(ab)+c$");
// c regex does not support:
// benchmark(times,"123a33","\\d+a\\d+$");
benchmark(times, "9-3", "([3-9]-[3-9])");
benchmark(times, "1234A", "[1-4]{4}A");
benchmark(times, "abcdef", "abcd?ef");
benchmark(times, "ce", "(a|b|c|d)e");
benchmark(times, "a", "(a)");
benchmark(times, "aa", "(a){2}");
// benchmark(times, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq", "[^xyzv]+q$");
benchmark(times, "abcabcabcabcabcabc", "[acb][acb]{4}");
benchmark(times, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
benchmark(times, "abcd", "abcd");
benchmark(times, "aaaaaaaaa", "a{9}");
benchmark(times, "a", "[abc]");
benchmark(times, "aa", "[abc]{2}");
benchmark(times, "ab", "[abc]{2}");
benchmark(times, "ac", "[abc]{2}");
benchmark(times, "c", "[abc]");
benchmark(times, "123", "[0-9][0-9][0-9]");
benchmark(times, "ab*", "[a-z]b.");
benchmark(times, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", ".{33}");
// benchmark(times, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaq", "[dbac]+q$");
benchmark(times, "#include \"test.h\"", "^#include *\"[a-z\\.]+\"$");
benchmark(times, "abcdefgh", "^.*gh$");
benchmark(times, "randomtextbeforeabcdefgh", "^random.*gh$");
benchmark(times, "abcdefg", "a?bcdf?ef?g");
printf("Times won: %d / %d\n", wins_rrex, wins_rrex + loss_rrex);
printf("Total execution time: %s\n", format_time(total_execution_time));
printf("Total times: %s\n", rformat_number(total_times));
void repl() {
while (true) {
char s[4096];
char e[4096];
rprint("%s", "Write a string to parse:\n");
rreadline(s, 1024, true);
rprint("Write a reqular expression:\n");
rreadline(e, 1024, true);
bool valid = rrex(s, e);
if (valid) {
rprintgf(stdout, "\\T %s", valid ? "valid\n" : "invalid\n");
} else {
rprintrf(stdout, "\\T %s", valid ? "valid\n" : "invalid\n");
void rrex_tests() {
__attribute__((unused)) int res = rtest_end("");
rprintg("Tests passed.\n\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
20000000 for 140s (1 billion times)
16000000 for 100s
32000000 for 200s
4000000 for 30s
2000000 for 15s -> this is minimum to get consistent result
1000000 for 7.5s
long times = 2000000;
if (argc > 1) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "cli")) {
return 0;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test")) {
times = 20;
return 0;
} |