<!-- there is always at least one button (by context/repo.go) -->
{{if $.CloneButtonShowHTTPS}}
<button class="ui small button" id="repo-clone-https" data-link="{{$.CloneButtonOriginLink.HTTPS}}">
{{if $.CloneButtonShowSSH}}
<button class="ui small button" id="repo-clone-ssh" data-link="{{$.CloneButtonOriginLink.SSH}}">
<input id="repo-clone-url" size="10" class="js-clone-url" value="{{$.CloneButtonOriginLink.HTTPS}}" readonly>
<button class="ui small icon button" id="clipboard-btn" data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "copy_url"}}" data-clipboard-target="#repo-clone-url" aria-label="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "copy_url"}}">
{{svg "octicon-copy" 14}}
highlight: function (code, lang) {
// Use highlight.js to highlight the code
const language = hljs.getLanguage(lang) ? lang : 'plaintext'; // Fallback to 'plaintext' if no language is found
return hljs.highlight(language, code).value; // Return the highlighted code