{{template "repo/settings/layout_head" (dict "ctxData" . "pageClass" "repository settings githooks")}}
<div class="repo-setting-content">
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.settings.githooks"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
<div class="ui list">
<div class="item">
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.settings.githooks_desc"}}
{{range .Hooks}}
<div class="item truncated-item-container">
<span class="text {{if .IsActive}}green{{else}}grey{{end}} tw-mr-2">{{svg "octicon-dot-fill" 22}}</span>
<span class="text truncate tw-flex-1 tw-mr-2">{{.Name}}</span>
<a class="muted tw-float-right tw-p-2" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/settings/hooks/git/{{.Name|PathEscape}}">
{{svg "octicon-pencil"}}
{{template "repo/settings/layout_footer" .}}
marked.setOptions({ highlight: function (code, lang) { // Use highlight.js to highlight the code const language = hljs.getLanguage(lang) ? lang : 'plaintext'; // Fallback to 'plaintext' if no language is found return hljs.highlight(language, code).value; // Return the highlighted code } });