{{template "base/head" .}}
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<div class="hero">
<h1 class="ui icon header title">
<h2>Home of Retoor</h2>
<h3>Full Stack Software Developer</h3>
<p>On this site you can find my last work, research and code snippets. It's all for free under MIT license unless stated otherwise in repository source folder.</p>
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<h2 class="hero ui icon header">
C Development
<p class="large">
With C I mostly reinvent to wheel and rewrite existing applications from scratch to learn what is under the hood. I am able to to write nginx-grade webservers with webdav support. I also have experience in writing Redis quality key-value stores. Projects made:
<li>HTTP(S) Server with support for reverse proxy and load balancing</li>
<li>WebDav Server with support for HTTP ranges (Streaming of media) and user authentication</li>
<li>PubSub Server</li>
<li>Restfull Sqlite3 Server</li>
I write servers primarely in C. WebDav, HTTP, PubSub
<li>JSON protocol: Only JSON communication for PubSub and database queries. Including Python bindings</li>
<li>Extremely fast json library, three times aster than Python's original to be used with JSON protocol.Has abaliity to find JSON data within data for parsing streams</lI>
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<h2 class="hero ui icon header">
Python development
<p class="large">
Python is my goto language for software development.
Technologies I prefer to work with but not limited to are:
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<h2 class="hero ui icon header">
<p class="large">
I have experience with:
<li>MS SQL</li>
<li>Postgres SQL</li>
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<h2 class="hero ui icon header">
Other languages
<p class="large">
I have professional experience with:
<li>VB .NET</li>
<li>VB 6</li>
<li>Delhpi (.NET)</li>
<li>JavaScript (ECMAScript)</li>
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