import logging
import re
from binascii import unhexlify
from ctypes import c_ushort
from decimal import Decimal
from dlms_cosem.connection import XDlmsApduFactory
from dlms_cosem.protocol.xdlms import GeneralGlobalCipher
from dsmr_parser.objects import MBusObject, MBusObjectPeak, CosemObject, ProfileGenericObject, Telegram
from dsmr_parser.exceptions import ParseError, InvalidChecksumError
from dsmr_parser.value_types import timestamp
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TelegramParser(object):
crc16_tab = []
def __init__(self, telegram_specification, apply_checksum_validation=True):
:param telegram_specification: determines how the telegram is parsed
:param apply_checksum_validation: validate checksum if applicable for
telegram DSMR version (v4 and up).
:type telegram_specification: dict
self.apply_checksum_validation = apply_checksum_validation
self.telegram_specification = telegram_specification
# Regexes are compiled once to improve performance
self.telegram_specification_regexes = {
object["obis_reference"]: re.compile(object["obis_reference"], re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
for object in self.telegram_specification['objects']
def parse(self, telegram_data, encryption_key="", authentication_key="", throw_ex=False): # noqa: C901
Parse telegram from string to dict.
The telegram str type makes python 2.x integration easier.
:param str telegram_data: full telegram from start ('/') to checksum
('!ABCD') including line endings in between the telegram's lines
:param str encryption_key: encryption key
:param str authentication_key: authentication key
:rtype: Telegram
:raises ParseError:
:raises InvalidChecksumError:
if "general_global_cipher" in self.telegram_specification:
if self.telegram_specification["general_global_cipher"]:
enc_key = unhexlify(encryption_key)
auth_key = unhexlify(authentication_key)
telegram_data = unhexlify(telegram_data)
apdu = XDlmsApduFactory.apdu_from_bytes(apdu_bytes=telegram_data)
if apdu.security_control.security_suite != 0:
logger.warning("Untested security suite")
if apdu.security_control.authenticated and not apdu.security_control.encrypted:
logger.warning("Untested authentication only")
if not apdu.security_control.authenticated and not apdu.security_control.encrypted:
logger.warning("Untested not encrypted or authenticated")
if apdu.security_control.compressed:
logger.warning("Untested compression")
if apdu.security_control.broadcast_key:
logger.warning("Untested broadcast key")
telegram_data = apdu.to_plain_apdu(enc_key, auth_key).decode("ascii")
if unhexlify(telegram_data[0:2])[0] == GeneralGlobalCipher.TAG:
raise RuntimeError("Looks like a general_global_cipher frame "
"but telegram specification is not matching!")
except Exception:
if unhexlify(telegram_data[0:2])[0] == GeneralGlobalCipher.TAG:
raise RuntimeError(
"Looks like a general_global_cipher frame but telegram specification is not matching!")
except Exception:
if self.apply_checksum_validation and self.telegram_specification['checksum_support']:
telegram = Telegram()
for object in self.telegram_specification['objects']:
pattern = self.telegram_specification_regexes[object["obis_reference"]]
matches = pattern.findall(telegram_data)
# Some signatures are optional and may not be present,
# so only parse lines that match
for match in matches:
dsmr_object = object["value_parser"].parse(match)
except ParseError:
"ignore line with signature {}, because parsing failed.".format(object["obis_reference"]),
if throw_ex:
except Exception as err:
logger.error("Unexpected {}: {}".format(type(err), err))
return telegram
def validate_checksum(telegram):
:param str telegram:
:raises ParseError:
:raises InvalidChecksumError:
# Extract the part for which the checksum applies.
checksum_contents = re.search(r'\/.+\!', telegram, re.DOTALL)
# Extract the hexadecimal checksum value itself.
# The line ending '\r\n' for the checksum line can be ignored.
checksum_hex = re.search(r'((?<=\!)[0-9A-Z]{4})+', telegram)
if not checksum_contents or not checksum_hex:
raise ParseError(
'Failed to perform CRC validation because the telegram is '
'incomplete. The checksum and/or content values are missing.'
calculated_crc = TelegramParser.crc16(checksum_contents.group(0))
expected_crc = int(checksum_hex.group(0), base=16)
if calculated_crc != expected_crc:
raise InvalidChecksumError(
"Invalid telegram. The CRC checksum '{}' does not match the "
"expected '{}'".format(
def crc16(telegram):
Calculate the CRC16 value for the given telegram
:param str telegram:
crcValue = 0x0000
if len(TelegramParser.crc16_tab) == 0:
for i in range(0, 256):
crc = c_ushort(i).value
for j in range(0, 8):
if (crc & 0x0001):
crc = c_ushort(crc >> 1).value ^ 0xA001
crc = c_ushort(crc >> 1).value
for c in telegram:
d = ord(c)
tmp = crcValue ^ d
rotated = c_ushort(crcValue >> 8).value
crcValue = rotated ^ int(TelegramParser.crc16_tab[(tmp & 0x00ff)], 0)
return crcValue
class DSMRObjectParser(object):
Parses an object (can also be see as a 'line') from a telegram.
def __init__(self, *value_formats):
self.value_formats = value_formats
def _is_line_wellformed(self, line, values):
# allows overriding by child class
return (values and (len(values) == len(self.value_formats)))
def _parse_values(self, values):
# allows overriding by child class
return [self.value_formats[i].parse(value)
for i, value in enumerate(values)]
def _parse_obis_id_code(self, line):
Get the OBIS ID code
Example line:
OBIS ID code = 0-2 returned as tuple
return int(line[0]), int(line[2])
except ValueError:
raise ParseError("Invalid OBIS ID code for line '%s' in '%s'", line, self)
def _parse(self, line):
# Match value groups, but exclude the parentheses
pattern = re.compile(r'((?<=\()[0-9a-zA-Z\.\*\-\:]{0,}(?=\)))')
values = re.findall(pattern, line)
if not self._is_line_wellformed(line, values):
raise ParseError("Invalid '%s' line for '%s'", line, self)
# Convert empty value groups to None for clarity.
values = [None if value == '' else value for value in values]
return self._parse_values(values)
class MBusParser(DSMRObjectParser):
Gas meter value parser.
These are lines with a timestamp and gas meter value.
Line format:
'ID (TST) (Mv1*U1)'
1 2 3 4
1) OBIS Reduced ID-code
2) Time Stamp (TST) of capture time of measurement value
3) Measurement value 1 (most recent entry of buffer attribute without unit)
4) Unit of measurement values (Unit of capture objects attribute)
def parse(self, line):
return MBusObject(
class MaxDemandParser(DSMRObjectParser):
Max demand history parser.
These are lines with multiple values. Each containing 2 timestamps and a value
Line format:
'ID (Count) (ID) (ID) (TST) (TST) (Mv1*U1)'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1) OBIS Reduced ID-code
2) Amount of values in the response
3) ID of the source
4) ^^
5) Time Stamp (TST) of the month
6) Time Stamp (TST) when the max demand occured
6) Measurement value 1 (most recent entry of buffer attribute without unit)
7) Unit of measurement values (Unit of capture objects attribute)
def parse(self, line):
pattern = re.compile(r'((?<=\()[0-9a-zA-Z\.\*\-\:]{0,}(?=\)))')
values = re.findall(pattern, line)
obis_id_code = self._parse_obis_id_code(line)
objects = []
count = int(values[0])
for i in range(1, count + 1):
timestamp_month = ValueParser(timestamp).parse(values[i * 3 + 0])
timestamp_occurred = ValueParser(timestamp).parse(values[i * 3 + 1])
value = ValueParser(Decimal).parse(values[i * 3 + 2])
values=[timestamp_month, timestamp_occurred, value]
return objects
class CosemParser(DSMRObjectParser):
Cosem object parser.
These are data objects with a single value that optionally have a unit of
Line format:
ID (Mv*U)
1 23 45
1) OBIS Reduced ID-code
2) Separator "(", ASCII 28h
3) COSEM object attribute value
4) Unit of measurement values (Unit of capture objects attribute) - only if
5) Separator ")", ASCII 29h
def parse(self, line):
return CosemObject(
class ProfileGenericParser(DSMRObjectParser):
Power failure log parser.
These are data objects with multiple repeating groups of values.
Line format:
ID (z) (ID1) (TST) (Bv1*U1) (TST) (Bvz*Uz)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1) OBIS Reduced ID-code
2) Number of values z (max 10).
3) Identifications of buffer values (OBIS Reduced ID codes of capture objects attribute)
4) Time Stamp (TST) of power failure end time
5) Buffer value 1 (most recent entry of buffer attribute without unit)
6) Unit of buffer values (Unit of capture objects attribute)
7) Time Stamp (TST) of power failure end time
8) Buffer value 2 (oldest entry of buffer attribute without unit)
9) Unit of buffer values (Unit of capture objects attribute)
def __init__(self, buffer_types, head_parsers, parsers_for_unidentified):
self.value_formats = head_parsers
self.buffer_types = buffer_types
self.parsers_for_unidentified = parsers_for_unidentified
def _is_line_wellformed(self, line, values):
if values and (len(values) == 1) and (values[0] == ''):
# special case: single empty parentheses (indicated by empty string)
return True
if values and (len(values) >= 2) and (values[0].isdigit()):
buffer_length = int(values[0])
return (buffer_length <= 10) and (len(values) == (buffer_length * 2 + 2))
return False
def _parse_values(self, values):
if values and (len(values) == 1) and (values[0] is None):
# special case: single empty parentheses; make sure empty ProfileGenericObject is created
values = [0, None] # buffer_length=0, buffer_value_obis_ID=None
buffer_length = int(values[0])
buffer_value_obis_ID = values[1]
if (buffer_length > 0):
if buffer_value_obis_ID in self.buffer_types:
bufferValueParsers = self.buffer_types[buffer_value_obis_ID]
bufferValueParsers = self.parsers_for_unidentified
# add the parsers for the encountered value type z times
for _ in range(buffer_length):
return [self.value_formats[i].parse(value) for i, value in enumerate(values)]
def parse(self, line):
return ProfileGenericObject(
class ValueParser(object):
Parses a single value from DSMRObject's.
Example with coerce_type being int:
(002*A) becomes {'value': 2, 'unit': 'A'}
Example with coerce_type being str:
(42) becomes {'value': '42', 'unit': None}
def __init__(self, coerce_type):
self.coerce_type = coerce_type
def parse(self, value):
unit_of_measurement = None
if value and '*' in value:
value, unit_of_measurement = value.split('*')
# A value group is not required to have a value, and then coercing does
# not apply.
value = self.coerce_type(value) if value is not None else value
return {
'value': value,
'unit': unit_of_measurement