awesomeest said @Root
the legit people here that still work for someone\something else... like you... always tend to reinforce my life decisions. thank you.
a few times, whilst consulting, it's been necessary to fix some bash... or batch... pile o' scripts, due to everything suddenly going SNAFU (generally also the reason i was there... not cheap for them).
the 1st 2x i tried to just find issues and tweek into a viable system-- horrible waste of time and a new black hole created next to any hopes i had for humanity.
i swear, it was akin to those og cartoon tropes where they find a hole in the boat so they plug it with their finger, then another hole opens... etc,@Root
time 2, i gave up\wrote new... asked 2 devs that worked there(w\crap scripts) awhile, apparently disliked each other, to each make a simple, complete, list (and flow) what the crap did. best list won.
wrote most of it b4 seeing any list. seeing the lists, i had them each format\comment\document what i wrote (high functioning, not pretty, code, esp then).
showed their work to their sups(lvls up too). i pointed out tons they didn't need me for; they needed like a school chart with gold stars, and the 2 working separately.
comical as it is, it's mind boggling for me. i get i think differently, on a phys\electrical lvl, but crap like that always seems so obvious to me, despite months+ of failed solutions.
that said... i pity the fool whod ever need update most of my scripts. think, the concept of CSS, ~5 world languages used, w\abbreviations, no\rare comments & some (nowadays) extreme methods of resource optimisations (like manually using binary for storage based per item\var),I ended up messaging the seller(not sure if i got a response cuz i havent been back to look for one)...
from the way it was written i just reeeeeaally wanted to know if he realised that no standard\marketed (basically anything not specifically made for some unimaginably ridiculous reason(s)) computer can ever boot to BIOS if it has no RAM.
so... did he mean that somehow BIOS, with working RAM is somehow non-functional?
... aside from someone directly opening it up and removing or, with much skill and precision, intentionally shorting out only the BIOS storage chip... id really want to buy it just to discover why\how.
does he not know any OS, including BIOS requires RAM?
the only other thing i can think of is that, for some, likely nonsensical, reason, he really wanted to make sure that a potential buyer wasnt buying a gutted computer to play in BIOS (which tbh sounds nutty even to me... and on rare occasion i write code in winre),Well duh.
Think about it in middle school and beyond terms. When the teacher makes people work in groups for 1 grade. Teachers know damn well that the one who actually gives a shit is gonna end up doing all the work... anyone who knows that hard working kid then tries to get in their group.
But... if you're given an assignment, school, social, adult life/work, and you do it well and fast/efficiently... now it's your job forever, plus another job for the extra time they know you could have.
Same thing applies at blue collar (and below) jobs. You work at fast food, walmart, some random store... work well/better than others you get a fancy manager/team leader title... and a few cents an hr raise. You also get to deal with more bs, stay later, clean up coworker bs & get yelled at by strangers for sht u have no control in.
Why do u think so many people do the bare minimum to not get fired?,Dude... if you only knew...
Since i was a kid (7 or 8... so 25yrs ago) i started using basic regex for shit like filtering logs...
Then i started scripting the shit that annoyed me... like everything default set to run... updates, scans, sysrestore... and stuff like temp files, recycle bin, internet history... etc
Then i got annoyed going through log outputs, including ones i generated from manually scripting and automatically checking to make sure nothing broke... and keyloggers (several reasons and varieties)... malware thatd just change little shit about their files so it wouldnt match the lists, or sht that mimicked/deleted real files (a HUGE regex script so id know what exactly got changed in updafes or when file info had tiny mismatches)
So many scripts by middle school... too many macros to tolerate hotkeys... so i started making my own file extensions, regex to find/sort/relocate and the program to read
Ofc cli regex to generate/append custom files
All b4 16. Imagine now,I have a very low tolerance for envs that arent mine... so ofc, i also have scripts to do stuff like remap system variables... even to an external hard drive for several programs, drivers, their paths, the registry keys of shit that annoys me... regex to check for bad registry keys... and stuff that puts it back to normal when im done.
Me without regex and a tolerable env... historically, that's dangerous.,@Lensflare oh i know. But dont we all know that sydney is plenty neurotic enough that he's likely scrollimg through posts looking for his name ad nauseum multiple times a day?,@retoor
Yea... he tried that on me. He lost.
Something he clearly didn't know about me, but any childhood friend or close teen and beyond friend knows as basic fact, is that since i turned 5, I've had TONS of Indian friends... acquaintances, employees, relationships, business partners (which for me tends to also mean they are some of my best friends)...etc. I even have a 'sister' in india due to one of those programs where u adopt a needy child for some meager 20$ or whatever a mo... i picked her off a Christmas tree when i was 4, then by 8 got really annoyed that due to the program's rules i couldn't just send her half of my money (i was a rich 8yr old dev), so made a fund to send her gifts/money as soon as i was 18. But even before she knew any of that, joseline has called me her sister and we keep in contact (she's a nurse now).
Realistically, i probaly have more indian friends than him, not even counting temp employees etc.
Him calling me racist is honestly hysterical.,@retoor
Listen... he's not sexist... just sexually insecure. You gotta remember, even though most of the world is currently flooded with an array of increasing 'genders' and the attitude similar to parents telling toddlers that they can be whatever they want when they grow up, dont listen to or believe anythingelse-- applied to behavioural gender traits...
India isn't quite as inviting to people like syd who just wanna be a pretty pretty princess.
So, like any childhood bully, he attacks, using topics close to his internal strife, trying to believe his own lies.
Next time you wanna dress up like Cinderella or Belinda, you do it! Don't let the idea of society's negative views of you stop you!,@SidTheITGuy SID! You did it! Im so proud of you!
You finally admitted your proclivities to suck. That's a great first step!,@donkulator
But how soft is too soft?
I mean, i kinda think about it like this:
Whatever traits a colon, or anything, innately has or is expected to have due to being one specific entity within the group that is initially defined with sets of characteristics to identify the base traits of the individuals in it... thatd be the norm/expected start that wouldn't need any explicit declaration unless outside those values.
So like bread is normally soft, but if you ask someone what a bagel or baguette is theyd likely explicitly define that it's harder/denser/not as soft as something like mass produced sandwich bread. now realising im defining the world by oop class structures... but w/ev.
So i think if youre specifically declaring a soft colon... it must be remarkably more soft than colons tend to be... which seems intriguing and dangerous.
Thinking about it... would the contents of a colon even be included in the traits of the colon itself? Genuinely curious now.,@Demolishun acc to syd's standards, im pretty sure jeff foxworthy is racist towards a large chunk of the US south.
I used to (sometimes still do if someone seems a bit too entranced) start talking about racism (just a few sentences) and how wrong it is... to someone who was boring me/looking for something beyond friendship... then directly tell them (changing tempo, volume and pitch just enough to signal extra importance) that I'm only at all racist, even just a little bit, to one group of people, blondes with blue eyes... especially the females. Then quickly cite some random traits i claimed justified this highly specific distaste.
Then id see how long i could keep it going for.
Anyone who hasn't seen a pic of me... clearly blonde with bright blue eyes.
The expressions when they'd finally realise i was directly depicting myself (if it took longer for them to catch on id add more details) was always amusing... esp the dumb ones who weren't sure if i realised i was describing myself,@retoor
Make a bunch of programs/scripts/networks/encryption methods/etc... but do it like the mentality of those apocalypse preppers that invest so much time/energy/money/etc into their supposed survival.
So going super overboard, but leaving out anything involving thought or learning outside of an overly simplified scope... like how most preppers learn about guns/knives/making pointy sticks... etc... yet dont consider packing a microscope and some basic knowledge/highly magnified pics of common protozoa or very easy to make, broad use, pharmaceuticals like penicillin (aka bread mold that's still one of the most widely used antibiotics in existence).
Those prepper people never learn about basic chemical reagents either...foolish imo,@retoor just read your bio...
If you like collabing on stuff and dont mind signing an nda or 2, between my company and the new(im literally writing up the legal stuff now) partnership company with a very experienced(impressive CV too) dev friend we have tons of space for people we can tolerate to collab... whether in actual code writing or some version of an advisory capacity.
Technically im also fluent in Dutch... super rusty in verbal communication and i assume my grammar/word choice has dropped quite a bit due to years of mainly just reading it ...but i do fully comprehend the vast majority of typed Dutch and most spoken ...if slow and clear enough (aka, would appreciate the practice)
Here's my info if interested (anyone else is welcome to use it... im not exactly hard to find... unless youre quite dense):
Tg- awesomeest
Discord- sara.awesomeest
I was very tempted just now to quickly hack your site and fix the typos/minor language issues.
Tbh, even as much as typos in good content annoy me... it was probably only 50% of my temptation. The other half was likely my urge to procrastinate since what im doing now is boring but i gotta do it...
Im gonna zone out/clear my head, then go back to hours of hyperfocus to get this boring administrative crap done.,so now i need to ask some friends to watch my eyes (when\if im off-guard and comparing images).
These things have always been easy to a level of boredom and wonder as to why others dont just know the answers like i do. seriously... since at least age 4\preschool.
I never heard about the eye crossing thing. I guess it could've been something i innately picked up so early that ive been oblivious to it... but im also ridiculously fast with all those image search things like where's waldo, find the X amount of *somethings* and those things in kids magazines (like Highlights) with the list of items to find... though comparatively, im much slower (for me) at the last ones.
i do have a near (dyslexia) eidetic\photographic\whatever it's currently called memory and some insane level of innate pattern recognition (well beyond my comprehension or full command of)... so now im super curious.
typing this... ironically, i don't think i know how to cross my eyes... at least intentionally.,@Lensflare actually, there was some less renowned methods too... im oddly knowledgeable at this specifically (had a, extremely blown out of logical proportion, intense debate(totally friendly) with an islamic scholar starting with the astrolabe).
my favourite outdated star-comparison method is the one where theyd make a small scale image of the night sky (there were several methods from essentially child labour to an array of magnifying lenses and chemical compounds reactive to lights and\or heat... im fond of the precise use of magnesium,... but i like fire)...
then, theyd use a form of old telescope-like thing and a mirror and a lense to account for any differences,@netikras
ask chatgpt something more fun.... like to interpret satirical, non-english, song lyrics... or explain async functions looping\priority patterns, while tossing in a param thats an immediate exception (like python, nesting async inside of sync) but u gotta mask it with other valid crap.
i once got chatgpt stuck in a failing logic loop by feeding it paul graham's "how to disagree" and asking it for debate practice, where their stance was disagreeing with those points.
tbh... if i thought to use a tech\computer solution to comparing seemingly identical images... id have totally just converted them to the non-compressed individual pixel data then ran a basic iteration loop to compare\flag non-identical pixels...
yea... im a dinosaur,@donkulator dude... that was fancy\rich and\or very late 90s...
i remember collecting all the AOL floppy disks they gave out for free to wipe and use them for storage.
my friend's mom's laptop had BSOD so was going to be thrown away.... the BSOD also included the phone number to microsoft tech support, answered by real people in the USA, and a machine-specific code that had to be given to a live rep with the serial number so they could get the code to give you, the professional, to go beyond the BSOD and fix whatever.
After successfully fixing it (and in hindsight still wondering why no one ever mentioned to me that i was a little (7\8) yr old girl bullying tech support) i did get AOL running... on the 4mb of total RAM.,@SidTheITGuy pretty sure u still have it. itd make so much sense, given your rapid irrational demeanor and persistent aggressive yet nonsensical ideas. tbh, it lines up perfectly.,@Lensflare not sure if you're being sarcastic... but it does totally seem like something youd do.
i built myself a laptop (saws and solder), taught myself basic binary... fortran and C... wrote the drivers for my frankenlaptop then made a little server to host websites i was building for small businesses. i never actually considered making a personal site til years later and that was for my arts and crafts business... i totally used to have the domain (i need to see wtf it is now),@cafecortado
duuude...(somewhat irrelevant) look up the music video for TLC no scrubs.
i was trying to explain old 'good'(shit) music videos to this girl that worked for me and randomly was searching and clicked on that. there's beyond a nip slip near the end. totally brought my point home though lol,technically gifs always work if they show an image... i think u mean animated gifs brah,@Demolishun
back in early middle school, on runescape (yea... i had my reasons), there was some kid who started to get some messed up form of a power trip via pretending to be a god cuz HE could make animated gifs...
this was back when commoners first started becoming aware... there was the ad spammed sites thatd compile them and the basic af gui tools (trojans) you could dl to make them.
i found this behaviour\the reactions fascinating (autistic af but unaware i was autistic)... he was picking on other kids over that nonsense. some kid i was slightly more fond of (and paid waaaay too much attention to things i did... but kept it to himself so.... meh) was really upset and assuming(rightfully ofc) i knew how to make them too, begged me to to make him stfu (pretty sure he was implying some version of time-exhaustive kiddie war).
5m later via mspaint i made this... then wrote a simple persistent batch script that kept tiling this as his desktop and screensaver. simple and effective,@awesomeest
oh... it doesn't show the original size...
60px X 60px, each square being 30x30
it's literally just 6 colours rotating in a 4x4 grid... lines up perfectly if tiled... still will induce a headache if u tile it as someones desktop background... cuz if they try to focus on or read anything it literally hurts. could be legit basic terrorism lol,@Demolishun im only racist against white females... the type with blonde hair and blue eyes```