Hava looksie here: https://siemens.com/de/de/...,Dis me when i need my moning coffe!,@Lensflare Nah, I'm the confused chicken.,Are we talkin PP-Bus 3.3V? Like pp3v3_g3h 3.3V?,The Oxide Computer Company sends their regards!,And be'ing completly drunk rn isnt really helping the situation. I will try to get some rest as its 2:30 rn.,@b2plane,Hörnlihütte in Arosa (Not the one in Zermatt),I've dealt with lead free industrial stuff. Let me tell you, that is no where near the biggest killer. Number one is human stupidity. Like leaving a control cabinet open so its electronics can cool. But then it blew snow into it 😒,Had a similar situation, sent them an outlook invite for a question discussion in five minutes. Surprisingly they saw that.,@tosensei Isnt that asp?,@retoor Initially i focused on compiled languages, but this might acutally be a viable sölution 🤔,It's DietPi with a Mate Desktop. Running in Qemu on a i7-10810U.,@kiki I hope this is to your liking. I havent found a theme yet that looks like the screenie you sent me. 🥺,.,@kamen Im just lazy...,@Lensflare Gotthardtunnel, and worse stuff is used in it's legacy systems. Let's just say Siemens...``` |