AdamOnAir said @Lensflare A bad EABI by microsoft,@Demolishun i'm doing one, WinMain triggering me,@Biggy Backwards compatibility that shouldn't; bad implementation, made by microsoft,@donkulator I mean Linux foundation,Void + XFce or Dwm,@retoor runit, openrc,me: runit,@bazmd Hhahaha yes important (devs writing comments as public doc in closed source),1. It's a DE
2. Memory hogging
3. Ugly AF
4. Bloated like every DE (but XFCE)
Use either a tiling WM eg. DWM (with void) or just XFCE if you want a de,@retoor that's one of the most useful socket,@Demolishun I am hosting a package on Savannah and a condition is to use (in the package, but I got the habit) to say Gnu/Linux, or as I've recently taken to call it Gnu+Linux,@retoor Bash for windows. i said that Powershel dev tools,@lorentz yes it has some tools e.g CMAKE, NMAKE, cl (c compiler for win) and vcpkg.,I was searching on how were Python developers called (Pythonistas) and found a meme on devrant, and decied to sub,@antigermanist macOS isn't better,@Demolishun Yes I am doing one that's why it's ruining my projects,@12bitfloat shh don't hurt me,It will take time. Start developing a small Open Source project, after 3 months, request a license here https://jetbrains.com/community/...,@antigermanist haha,@AdamOnAir https://jetbrains.com/shop/eform/...
OSS licenses,@AdamOnAir https://jetbrains.com/shop/eform/...
OSS licenses,@lungdart bsd is still cool i use it on laptop,@CoreFusionX win11,@cprn i say it Linux/GNU,@kiki ed be like,@ScriptCoded LowLevelLearning``` |