Argos said Oh the fucknig morons have turned down their shit CDN do download working versions also, any links where you can still get the working version?,@BordedDev
but insomnia is another payware shit, isn't it?,@retoor
swagger is nice, but you can not e.g. share collections between your teams with it.,@BordedDev
thanks, will look into it,Found some working links for v9 which fuckers didn't remove yet
macOS (Intel):
macOS (Apple Silicon):
Also did this (MacOS) to prevent their shit from updating itself
`sudo chflags uchg /Applications/`
Sure there should be smth similar for Win/Linux,@jestdotty
curl is a small tool to download smth, or do quick checks, it obviously can not replace postman,@jestdotty
It is not question about what it does vs doesn't. It is about how much time does that take.
Postman has collections, easy way to edit headers/cookies/body, variables.
Your colleague just gives you a collection of e.g. 500+ endpoints to thoroughly test the API you are working on, you go to collection variables, replace the API key variable with your personal key, and you are good to go.
I can not even imagine how many days will you spend to do the same with pure curl. It is light a lightweight tool for primitive tasks, not a full-scale instrument. The same as coding in notepad++ vs IDE,@jestdotty
If your endpoints are protected with authentication, you can not just hit them, you will have to provide Cookie/ Bearer token / API token, or whatever auth requires, those things have timed life, with variables you don't have to edit each endpoint, as you can get temporarily keys, save them as variables and use in every endpoint automatically.
Some endpoints require Body. It could be a several hundred lines JSON. Postman has separate tab for the body, while with curl, you will have it inline, cluttering the workspace.
It is impossible to use GUI tools for unit tests, we are talking about manual testing endpoints during development.```