sandeepbalan said Week : 63 ( Year 1 )

How was the weekend?

Which is your favorite planet, and why?

Previous Week :,Week : 64 ( Year 1 )

What is the plan for the weekend?

"Is a 'no' always a 'no,' or can it ever change?"  ( Regardless of context or any context)

Previous Week :,Week : 66 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

Where do you see yourself in one hour, be honest?

Previous Week :,Week : 67 ( Year 1 )

How was the last weekend?
Holidays are Incoming. Any plans for vacations?

Previous Week :,Week : 68 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

Where are you spending your vacation specifically?

Previous Week :,Week : 70 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

So eventually Cat gave birth to 3 amazing kittens, obviously in my basement. I think she is moving out. I heard them talking last night that she is tired of this shit

Previous Week :,Week : 71 ( Year 1 )

How is the weekend going?

What do you like to pretend you're not into but you actually are?

Previous Week :```