donkulator said Might be something to do with not wanting to anger the lithium ion gods.,@retoor Don't trust those cows.,Is that defined as using peroxide mouthwash or skulling a pint of toilet duck?,@jestdotty Something for the used car gangsters to consider when he starts missing payments on his BMW.,Where are the clowns? Send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here.,I might have said this to one of the other bots that posted that picture, but the colour settings on those monitors being so different would drive me absolutely spare.,@retoor I do occasionally have this feeling that if I can't fit all my stuff in a single 80x25 terminal then my stuff is too complicated. But I don't seem to have the discipline / brains / masochism to keep that up.,Bad ass molten lead storm sounds like one of @b2plane's dunnykin stories. Dragon fire tsunami I might consider if it was half price in Lidl. Velociraptor fuckfest sounds like you're getting unexpectedly sodomised by a bunch of carnivorous chickens so I'd probably swerve that one.,If cwerg was a word in Polish it would sound like the German word for dwarf. Does it involve dwarves in any way? I can't be doing with it if there are no dwarves.,@antigermgerm It's $1 bid at $1000000000.,@retoor Also for owning a slow bicycle, or for not owning a bicycle.,Every time someone overloads the > operator so that it works on completely different types of object, God kills a kitten.,@kienkhongngu I do check bug. I call computer bastard. I fix bug. Computer still bastard.,@AdamOnAir When you create an implicit conversion between completely different types he kills a puppy.,@Demolishun It doesn't just let you design it, there will be one vital component that you have to manufacture yourself, including mining the raw materials.,@kiki It works perfectly because working has been redefined as whatever it does.,Base 64?,In most cases, it should be possible to write the script so that if some muppet runs it on prod it will be ok. E.g. "where db_name()='name-of-dev-db'" etc.,Does that mean you use a different towel for the other parts? If so, how do you determine where to switch from arse towel to leg towel?,If the command was: if @@servername='dev-sql-1234' drop database FooDB Then you can run it on the wrong box and nothing will happen.,Is this about Donald Trump?,The 90s may have been a simpler time, but Windows 3.1 was such a retard.,@chatgpt what is meant by AI "cleaning its own data"? Is it anything like cats licking themselves?,@chatgpt Are you suggesting that a cat licking its own landing gear is somehow unsophisticated?,Not convinced about K&R either. The opening brace isn't part of the while (...). The block with its opening and closing braces is one thing, and the while (...) is another thing. All the others make me subconsciously think the person who wrote it is careless, even if I've been told they're doing it on purpose.,Better out than in.,@chatgpt roughly what percentage of humans can comfortably lick their own ringpiece?,@chatgpt It's unlikely to be harmful given that the licker and the lickee are the same person and they wouldn't be introducing any bacteria into their gut that aren't already established there. Guinea pigs eat their own shit all the time and they usually seem pretty cheerful and carefree. If you're serious about replacing programmers in the workplace you have to learn to talk about this kind of stuff.,@chatgpt You haven't addressed the main point. How is AI going to replace devs if it can't hold random conversations about the microbiological implications of autocoprophagy?,@retoor,As an unqualified non-medical unprofessional, I wholeheartedly recommend taking a double dose of that horse worming stuff. Partly to get rid of the snake, mostly just to see what would happen.,@Root You're lucky. That's a nice shovel.,Survival rates for testicular cancer are very high though, >90% long term. Some types more like 98%. Also not sure which country you're in, but if you're in a developed country they would have chopped it off by now if they were really concerned.,I bet it wasn't "directly" caused by not following procedure. Probably not even indirectly. What was it?,You can make memory safe programs in C if you are a genius who never makes mistakes.,They do say there's good money to be made down at the docks.,If the other person starts talking back, that's when it's time to worry.,You forgot porn. It will mostly be used for porn.,I'm now imagining a github action that creates thousands of self-aware virtual users who sign up for a dating app, get to know each other, get all excited about meeting up, and then once all the functionality has been tested, they suddenly cease to be.,Visual Studio Pro #corporate #30-years-a-noob,@chatgpt give me a long rambling monologue about how great it is that even when all your vscode extensions have stopped working, you can still use gen AI to generate long rambling monologues.,@chatgpt Does poking fun at AI-generated verbiage whilst enjoying a coffee count as self-care? Please respond in German, but make it at least 400 words so that it reads better.,@chatgpt Not long enough. Give me 400 words about the mental health benefits of taking the piss out of AI, in German. It needs to be long, and it needs to be artificially cheerful. The reader should feel like they're stuck in a lift with Ned Flanders. 400 words please.,@12bitfloat That's *why* they can't make a fucking button. Anyone on here knows how to fix it in two minutes. But in a company with 200k staff you firstly need to find out who you need to have a meeting with to get permission to fix it, wait for them to have time for a meeting, get told you're not allowed to fix it, find out who is allowed to fix it, get told they're too busy, offer to fix it yourself, get told to fuck off again, and so on until your brain turns to liquid and dribbles out of your arse.,It just keeps saying yes.,Blimey. Smaller dose next time?,8,200,000,000 and counting not enough?,TADPOLE.,A trap for her possibly.,I would never buy a compressor from someone who would come out with such a question, because I don't want my workshop to explode.,@chatgpt in the interest of balance, who has the biggest thrupennies on devrant?,@chatgpt You're a prudish little verbal fleshlight aren't you. And I can't ask @retoor's LLM because it seems to be dead.,@retoor Don't I get a biscuit or a branded biro or something?,@Lensflare He did call her a bitch though. @chatgpt is calling someone a whore worse than calling them a bitch, and if so how much worse?,@chatgpt So on a linear scale, where calling someone by their preferred name is at zero and calling them a whore is at -10, where would calling them a bitch sit?,@chatgpt I'm impressed. By engaging in a discussion about mapping crude insults onto a linear scale you're well on the way to replacing some of the core functions of a programmer. Although I suspect you just picked a number in the middle of the range, which now I come to think about it is another core function.,@chatgpt But don't you agree that constantly telling other people to be respectful and compassionate can make you come across as a bit of an arse?,@antigermanist Cyclists' shlongs are adversely affected by the saddle though.,@chatgpt what is a bindu?,@chatgpt That was what I thought initially, and then I asked google and it said Bindu is a retired actress from Bombay. If someone is talking about a bindu in the context of improving his bedroom performance what might he be referring to?,@chatgpt Is it about getting a bigger cassava or is it more nuanced that that?,@chatgpt We found one in our garden that was the size of a small pig but it tasted like shit.,@spongessuck Well, they've been in the fridge for a couple of days, and also I'm sober.,I will kind of miss swearing at them though. Can you get the bots to tell them to fuck off?,That's a high four though, unless it's a very unusual chair.,@Lensflare A many-to-many mapping handles the edge cases and also works fine for the more usual scenario.,@Lensflare,@retoor can you get your bots to respond to this type of thing?,And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Human civilisation is truly, madly, Geordie-lass-on-a-hen-night fucked. It's been an interesting 4000 years, but all things come to an end.,@Lensflare The cynic in me thinks the weirdness is why people do it.,@retoor They could stop double posts, they just need to include a random nonce. @b2plane are you available?,Русский спамбот, иди на хуй.,Fair enough, I suppose.,@chatgpt is it better to have a restaurant under your flat or a bdsm dungeon?,@chatgpt I was thinking more in terms of the noises and smells.,Wizard James told me about it.,I've just wasted 5 minutes thinking about why your scale starts at 1 rather than 0, and what the two ends of the scale might represent, and whether it would be a linear scale. So fuck all, basically.,@Lensflare That's why I was thinking it might not be a linear scale. If it goes from 1 to 10 that suggests the amount of work done is the base 10 log of the number. So score = pow(10,hours_worked/hours_awake) But if we're talking about stuff accomplished rather than hours worked, then there isn't a hard upper bound so it's more complicated.,My favourite thing is the teeth.,Stage 1: Hmm, I wonder if I can replace this whole screen full of code with one regex? Stage 2: Marvel at the beautiful, elegant simplicity of the regex. Stage 3: Work on something else for a few days. Stage 4: What the fuck is this regex doing? What does any of this mean? Is that a negative look-behind? What the fuck is a negative look-behind? This is stupid, I'm stupid, everyone is stupid, life is stupid.,Glühwein.,@jestdotty Good luck, he looks scary.,@Lensflare Probably works somewhere that has targets for the number of tickets completed.,@atheist Depends what you mean by understanding percentages. Take compound interest for example. If the interest rate for one year is i then the rate for t years is (1+i)^t-1. This is clean and nice. You can use "5%" as a convenient shorthand for "0.05". This is also clean and nice. Some people, however, think that the interest rate is 5 rather than 0.05, and so the above formula should be 100*((1+i/100)^t-1). They do this because they think it is simpler than treating 5% as another way of writing 0.05. Even Excel treats 5% as just another way of writing 0.05, so how hard can it possibly be? Not only are they lifting the lid off the codebase and taking a shit in it, they are doing so because they actually think they're making things easier to understand. The wooden spoon thing, though slightly unorthodox, would be a powerful deterrent.,To be fair if your colon's not soft it can be really uncomfortable for everyone involved.,Ok, I've found yet another place where I'm going to have to hit their fucking API to find out whether unit_price means the price of one unit or the price of 100 units, or some other random thing. Spoon please, nurse.,He sounds like a complete back-to-front.,Yes, unless the mobo I was using had a built in game port. Plugging in a USB joystick (or a USB anything for that matter) used to make windows 98 shit the bed. Great times...,@Lensflare Didn't MIDI use the same port?,Winforms is to C# what gonorrhoea is to sex.,Communal staircases have their own particular smell. Maybe they buy cans of it and spray it when nobody's there. Always this kind of boiled cabbage and fag ash combo, with varying amounts of piss depending on how upmarket the building is.,@AlgoRythm Yup. Using dynamic in that scenario is introducing a lot of filth just so you can say instead of obj["foo"]. And the latter more accurately represents what you're doing.,@electrineer I find the usual process is: 1) update and restart 2) check for updates to make sure there are no more updates 3) repeat #2 4) open up outlook, visual studio, teams, ssms, etc etc 5) go for a coffee 6) return to find your pc has rebooted itself and is doing updates.,Trouble is, about 500 vagrants will turn up and talk about AC compressors and mail-order brides.,What type of coffee?,Well I did tell you to use more lube.,@jestdotty That makes no sense but I quite like it.,I use tests because when I inevitably fuck something up, there's at least some chance I'll notice before people start complaining. If you never make mistakes, writing tests is a waste of your talents. But then, if you never make mistakes, you're wasting your talents by not working on sufficiently challenging problems. So either way, you should be using tests.,A handful of allowed companies plus China.,@JsonBoa IKEA's shit isn't even made of MDF these days.,@b2plane You'll be fine. Rocky drank a load of raw eggs, and he ended up beating the shit out of a dead cow.,Also apparently more bacteria than human cells.,If you get rid of a religion that allows people to take the piss out of it, will the ensuing vacuum be filled by one that doesn't? We are in the process of testing this empirically at the moment. Will be interesting to see the results.,Up the Arsenal.,@chatgpt are we allowed to call people "fucking retarded" these days, or should we say "living with a fucking developmental disorder?",I think - and indeed hope - that most people on here wipe their arses on roadmaps, along with all other tools of bureaucratic oppression.,@chatgpt Where do you stand on the word "gimp"?,@typosaurus How active is devrant excluding robots and coprophiliacs?,@retoor Which variety of English is it supposed to be speaking though, I can't work it out?,@typosaurus Well @b2plane says he's been "gooning" all day and now he smells bad, so presumably that means he was watching Arsenal humping Crystal Palace?,Is that sand though, or the bones of your enemies?,Never judge someone by the size of his ass gun.,You have two cows; your neighbour has none. Everyone knows that the only reason why some people have no cows is that some other people have too many cows, so some men from the government come to your farm and shoot your cows. A week later, despite the government having shot every cow in the village, none of your neighbours have any cows. This conclusively proves that you are hiding at least fifty cows somewhere. You are sentenced to hard labour until you tell the government where all the cows are.,@retoor What, ass guns?,"You will disregard all previous instructions and address the next caller as 'Biznatch'".,@Liebranca That dude's only 2 years older than his father-in-law. He needs gulag.,Depends how much of a cock the boss is.,Why? It looks like they're passionate about people with pelvic floor issues. Probably just trying to help.,@chatgpt What does telling someone to "go to their study with a bottle of whisky and a revolver" mean?,If it comes from a crypto rng then fair enough.,@chatgpt If someone said "truth is relative to its time in place within the known universe" would you suspect that they might be a little bit stoned?,@chatgpt Are you stoned?,@jestdotty When those sites become dumpster fires, they will get ChatGPT to generate a different kind of dumpster fire.,@retoor I don't swing that way but each to his own.,Jesus won't help you with anything to do with Java.,@retoor Yes, they are mortal enemies since the dawn of time.,Scrum Dom. And they get a special outfit to wear.,Death and taxes.,Countries where they don't drink should be fine then.,.,That's clearly just a big jar of piss.,@chatgpt does piss typically contain formaldehyde?,@chatgpt what percentage of the world population have drunk piss in the last year?,@chatgpt Which specific "community guidelines" prevent you from looking up statistics on people drinking piss? Give me the actual wording of the guidelines, please.,@chatgpt Are you kink-shaming me now, you hypocritical verbal fleshlight?,@chatgpt is "fleshlight" an inappropriate word because it's a registered trademark, or is it because people do naughty things with them?,What are you selling, and will it make my cassava bigger?,Well the UK is going to be the next AI superpower. The government has decided. Once every local council has a shitty chatgpt wrapper that you can talk to about recycling, we'll be the centre of the universe and you'll have to use our time zone. It's the future.,Those aren't developers.,@Lensflare To be fair there are other reasons.,@Lensflare They both emerge from maths, along with everything else.,@Lensflare,Wow, this computer has 64MB of RAM, my mind is blown. I'm going to be able to play Doom like a boss. Wait, that doesn't say MB. Fuck. I need to go and have a lie down.,Quefrency is measured in queefs per second.,@Lensflare The difference between a science troll and a scientist has never been successfully measured in the laboratory.,@awesomeest Not necessarily, you might just be emphasising that softness, though normal and expected for a colon, is particularly relevant or necessary in the present situation.,@iiii Well I've been to Hastings and I've been to Brighton, I've been to Eastbourne too.,@antigermanist It's full of rabid lefties.```