Tounai said That’s a rich problem. I always use a flat screwdriver.,@retoor Taxes are paying for this in Europe. That sounds like a perfectly working business model. At least it would be used for something useful for once.,@retoor It requires developers to make applications in a way that they are readable by screen readers which is remotely impossible nowadays, long, boring to do and adds very little value to the product.,@bazmd The European Accessibility Act,@retoor Regardless, don’t do drugs, it’s causing damages on many levels.,@retoor I don’t do French fries, I try to keep my shape. Some drugs are probably not that dangerous, but most of them are addictive, and sometimes can trigger crazy reaction. The one mentioned in this topic can happen with basic weed. Anyway, the issue is that drugs is fuelling criminality in Europe and not buying is the step towards starving those criminals.,@retoor I used to share your opinion at 100%, so I get you. Now I am not even for legalisation. I am for total war against drugs traffickers. Now, you are obviously looking for excuses to continue feeding the beast of traffics. Do it with the knowledge that it probably cause killings in your country aside from other bad things.,@retoor by buying drugs you are fuelling it. That’s it.,@retoor now is that the solution? Probably not. The solution requires several helicopters and machine guns,@retoor Jail for life will do in Europe. If we speak specifically about weed and a few others, no, it’s not that harmful. But it’s an entry point. And if you take it at the society level, yes it’s dangerous. I mean, France is a mess because of this.,@jestdotty It’s the EU tho. A bunch of old bureaucrats who don’t understand a single thing about anything so they create norms out of the blue.,@jestdotty I am not excusing anything, they should all be fired.,@jestdotty The problem is that the structure is in favour of putting old, ignorant people in power. Perception won’t change that.,@retoor you don’t get privacy you just loose one dollar.,@retoor Let’s spare both a dollar and privacy by not using Twitter. No matter what choice you make, it’s lost time.,I wonder why everyone is going crazy with this thing, it seems like a bloated version of the default search,@retoor just press CTRL+R until you have the command you are looking for 😂,@retoor I didn’t you are on my no downvote list,@retoor what devrant skin are you farming?,@retoor I mean the clothes of your avatar that require krama to get,@jestdotty Not sure if it’s a true thing but apparently it also lowers your iron, when I was abusing green tea, I almost fainted several times at the gym under “heavy” weight,Rust is VERY opinionated which is not the case of most languages.,@retoor Dominos Pizza in the UK is very different from its European version…,@kinu Read the bloody doc, at least the Docker one is well written. Remember that some of us have to deal with AWS which has remotely no docs at all so enjoy it when you have a tool that has it well written.,ChatGPT is boring. Those type of comments are totally normal. And let’s face it, there is way much more unprofessional behaviour in companies nowadays than this.,Those next 4 years are gonna be fun. Of 2 bad candidates, always pick the funny one.,I feel like the genZ is particularly stupid and know very little about anything, unless it is because I live in the UK, which is uneducated in comparison to more civilised places,I really wonder how sick are the minds of people who are creating those code AIs. Most of the time you know where you want to go when you stop typing. 90% of autocomplete usage is to do something deterministic. But meanwhile, AI warmongers want you to read to the diarrhoea produced by their monster and loose time. I might try Zed but for now I remain on neovim to avoid all this crap.,Probably sleeping after 3 days debugging C without rest.,@retoor now that you mention it, I just reminded myself that I am the person in charge of collecting specifically your taxes. If you don’t mind addressing me a bank transfer…,@retoor No worries the government can even tax the money you don’t have.,@retoor Know that if there’s a bottomless tax, there’s an unlimited number of business to create just to receive that money and do nothing about the original issue (otherwise it closes the hole),If only we had used all this wasted money to build Holly Nuclear Power Plants everywhere instead of spending that money in stupid associations sending all their members by plane I don’t know where to say stupid useless bullshit.,@retoor Planes are not a problem until they are paid with my taxes.,With or without GUI the hard part are the conflicts which are the same on both. Just one is horizontal the other is vertical.,@retoor Agreed. Any tool pretending to make Git easy don’t change anything in easy, common situation and make it way worst in complicated situations.,@retoor that was the last one you get for free. Since I am about to resign from my job, I must live of something.,@typosaurus Such a long time I did’t do C, this is the right way to catastrophy, I love it,@typosaurus of course 😌,Tho. Touch grass. We are ~30-40 active people here. You should really put your energy elsewhere.,@retoor @12bitsfloat Rayon should be considered a cheat.,@retoor Regarding your portfolio, I never even checked once in the recruiting processes I’ve been involved in. Unless it’s a really complex piece of software or a very popular one, I don’t think it matters at all. Your ability to get a job is related to your ability to speak bullshit. Regardless, I am not telling you to not do code, I am telling you to put efforts where it matters. Regarding the future of DR, don’t have too much hopes. The beginning of the internet is way behind, growing as an application is significantly more complex and requires a significant amount of efforts to be known, especially that any american company can come on your field and outbid you almost instantly with stupid amounts of investment.,@retoor reminds me of my university years. It was fun.,@retoor I am curious – is it faster with or without forking?,@Demolishun *laughs in HCL*,@Demolishun terraform language. A pure nightmare ending up with complicated to understand code.,@retoor Both forking and threading have a cost, I was wondering if this slowing down your program just because the executed task was simple enough.,@12bitfloat you make me regret not knowing enough theory in computer sciences,@12bitfloat This. If the only issue in C was people forgetting to free their memory, it would have been quickly solved with compilation time checks. But C is lacking a bunch of things that enforces repetitions, unsafe calls, verbose code, etc. In the past, a bunch of other languages improved on those flaws but with a cost. The beauty of Rust is to have those improvement at nearly no cost (only your sanity),@retoor it’s not because I know what I am doing that I want to do it. Productivity matters!,@Lensflare Job is not paying enough and I have a bunch of movies I didn’t see.,@PaperTrail turns out the economy is not good enough for one of my traditional rage quit, but I don’t plan to get anything else done for that company, so the less I do the better.,@jestdotty I usually rage quit but the state of the economy doesn’t allow me to do that. I have to do it the smart way this time.,@retoor Unfortunately I have one big thing that has taken me a few months already which is full typescript for now.,The problem is not the wasp you killed inside, it’s the ones which are out and which will start another nest. Tbh in 90% of the case it’s not an issue. Country side people burn them dangerously, I saw my grand father doing it all the time and he never got any issues.,Do not burn it if you are not a countryside grandpa. I am not liable to anything happening to your place if you try.,@retoor “Sadly” Wasps are the most annoying insects in the world, they don’t leave you alone until they checked what they wanted to check. They deserve to die and are doing everything to get killed.,As you say in your intro, it’s beginner developers. They have a log to learn. They have a lot of crazy ideas, and that’s totally normal. You shouldn’t focus on what they think when they begin and instead give them a chance to get better.,@CaptainRant The industry is literally driven by pair pressure and business needs. The first one is your responsibility, the other is a pragmatic need.,Do not hesitate to share this data on your Gitea,@retoor Not worth it without the creds! Include them.,@retoor Should I have access to the files of your personal laptop, encrypted passwords wouldn’t be my primary target anyway, as there’s already sessions opened that just ask to be used. I am a pragmatic person.,They now about your wanderings on xhamster,How’s the gym going by the way? Reached your 100kg bench already?,@-ANGRY-STUDENT- Good! Keep it up as this remains beyond any relationships Still grinding the 3 plates, I’ll try in January. 3 months of being sick repeatedly didn’t help though 😟,@retoor Being the opposite of that, I totally agree. Mentioned many times my manager that I wouldn’t farm all the influence bullshit, spam Slack for nothing, shout about achievements, provide solutions for problems that don’t exist or anything of that kind. I instead focus on blazing fast delivery, developer experience and extreme pragmatism. This provided me nothing, but because it’s me, I obviously complained about not getting a pay raise.,@retoor I won’t do the farming but I am among the people who dare to rant about not getting paid enough. And I can always switch job anyway. I am not coerceable.,@retoor Go a bit slower on alcohol and drink a glass of water for each glass of alcohol you drink, this will prevent a bad headache tomorrow,@retoor vscode is good but neovim improved so much lately…,@retoor The main added value of nvim is its plugin ecosystem and distributions. Check out LazyVim or AstroVim if you want an overview. It takes 2 mins to install.,Write a book about your life.,@retoor test it with lazyvim and tell me what you think. I still want to save you from the claws of VSCode and Microsoft. I still have hopes.,@azuredivay It would be okay if it was only payments but I am using stripe connect, and for everything I do, I have the impression that I have to understand finance regulations stuff which is probably the most obscure thing to me. Tbh it’s working fine so far but it’s stressful because my app is just a third party in the payment.,@retoor the rust project is the thing I am guilty of doing. Hope it makes your day brighter.,@retoor nah it has no problems as it is relatively simple. It should just not be my primary focus. + I know nothing about Python,I skipped part of the 6-12 years, thanks to my low intelligence being unable to process “sophisticated” pieces of code.,@retoor I am a very early model.,I guessed from the first sentence that you became a gymbro. Welcome to the sect. Impatiently waiting for your dark arc as I am not satisfied with messages of peace.,@retoor I am thankful they did eat this apple. What hell can be worst than other people naked all the time?,@chatgpt do you believe in god? Should I believe in god?,@retoor yeah but it’s not one of the other. It adds up. If you add to this all the rules of Rust, it’s too much for one man.,@retoor plus I am French, it’s in my culture to not believe in god.,@chatgpt what happened to christians during the french revolution?,@chatgpt The wallons could join France you think?,@lorentz Did you get a bad grade because of that?,To me, memory safety is just one feature of Rust. It also comes with a convenient package manager, very explicit errors, performances at C level. But this has a cost. Rust is not only opinionated, it is authoritarian, and as mentioned by @retoor this doesn’t prevent doing stupid things.,It’s not but it’s overcrowded with a bunch of useless people and in my opinion, overfunded.,@retoor You remind me of my university years. It was glorious.,@retoor Careful the fall down from cool kid to grumpy nerd can happen very fast.,@retoor My prime surprisingly matches the years I was out of DevRant,I also wonder how I ended up from being paid 12k€ a year and rich to 75k€ and poor.,@retoor ah the good old days! I used to be so good to do a lot with very little. Leader ghB is the default keybinding of LazyVim for Git Blame,Gosh we’re gonna become as annoying as the SNCF 💀```