Liebranca said @Demolishun My wife, God rest her soul, grew magic mushrooms in large plastic bags when she was studying chemistry in college. I'm not sure how she did it. Something about moisture. Possibly cow shit too, but she never mentioned that part. Anyway, the harvest was magnificent.,@jestdotty lmao, they absolutely went from protesting deportations to being all for it. Like what? The point is, from what I can gather, these schmucks are considered "left" in the US, but the shit they're pulling disproves it -- the lie has been conclusively exposed, once and for all. Election drama is always dull and stupid, but this time man, this time we're stacking screenshots to the ceiling. Accountability police going to be busy over the next few years. But you know what I think should happen? An *actual* radical swing to the left. None of that liberal bullshit, I'm talking AK-47 and Che Guevara up in this bitch. Doing it for real. Then we can point at their elected figurehead and say THAT is a fucking communist. Until then, it's just nazis vs rainbow nazis.,@jestdotty I'm not left-wing myself, so you could argue that I don't know what "left" means either. Go figure. But anyhoo, I'm joking -- obviously I don't support revolutionary insurrections. Or do I? ;> As for your question: look up the french revolution -- absolute fucking bloodbath. Who's condeming that? Nobody. Some even celebrate it. Is it evil to execute citizen Louis Capet by guillotine? You tell me. So *when* is killing evil? That's the question. And since I've already mentioned France, maybe look into what the french did in Algeria. What do I believe? Surah el Hajj verse 39.,@Grumm Yeah, people attach weird ass connotations to moving from one country to another, as if that made one a kind of mystical "other" or some shit. Weirds me out. No, I just find it remarkable how the political block most notorious for utilizing "minority" as a rhetorical resource was this fucking quick to scapegoat. Strikes me as all around messed up. @dissolvedgirl From "guns kill people" to "I KILL PEOPLE WITH GUNS"! It's like poetry, it rhymes. Or something. It's a nice example of what I'm saying alright, people doing 180º like that in a fraction of a second. Just wild. Never tried aiming in the dark but it sounds tough, more so if it's not in a city. I used to crawl through camp trying to suprise the guy who stood watch on the hill when I was in the boyscouts. In my defense I was like seven, and we were playing a game. Anyway, he always spotted me, but only when I got close, and I'm a pretty lousy sneak.,@Grumm Oh, absolutely, don't get me wrong: I know the man is bad news. He attempted a coup, as I recall. Shouldn't he be in jail? But I'm a foreigner, and I don't expect changes to US foreign policy; I've never seen it happen. My opinion on every one of their presidents that were elected in my lifetime, based on how they meddled, destabilized and of course bombed other countries, is roughly equivalent. People *within* the US are frightened of having to live through a mere microscopic fraction of what their government has historically inflicted on other nations. As to how this fear translates to spewing hateful vile towards immigrants for not sucking their cock hard enough, eh, let's leave that one as an exercise. PS: everything and everyone originating from a single point is consistent with both abrahamic teaching and what I understand is the scientific consensus. By both accounts, everyone is related if we go far back enough in time.,Ah fuck, here goes ostream ruining the fucking thread again.,C is truly ubiquitous; even my fasm programs compiled *without* libc still have to deal with it, because the fucking kernel is written in C. But they still think they can kill it: what a grand and intoxicating innocence. There is no escape. No SIG or INT can work in this place. Lay down your Chomsky hierarchy, it's not too late for mySegmentation fault (core dumped) $:,Well done! I hereby grant you the rank of magus. Enjoy your reward. ** 20 crack cocaine rocks added to inventory.,Oh no! The Scatological Serpent! Repent your sins everyone, the end times have come!,@jestdotty Dude what's your deal. I told you not to summon actual demons and now you're all over my ass like it wasn't good advice.,@retoor C may be the easiest high level language to compile in your head, so to speak. Once you've read disassembly for a while it just comes naturally. The good thing about that is you don't have to do much guessing in regards to anything, particularily performance, because even at a glance you can get a good idea of what the compiler is going to generate. People simply forget that the job revolves around telling a calculator which operations to perform. They may not like it, but that's the job. In truth, learning to read code way uncle Linus does is more beneficial than reading any fucking book. Except the Dragon Book, maybe. MAYBE.,@atheist They're not too far off. Idiomatic C++ may generate more complex code at times depending on which features you use. But predicting what day-to-day stuff will compile to is usually about the same.,Up to around seven years ago I was using visual studio, simply because I was taught to write with an IDE and had never really questioned the logic of having to wait half an hour for the damn thing to boot. Until one day I finally thought about it for five minutes and realized it was kind of stupid. And so I began working entirely from the terminal, just plain nano, make and gdb. I'm now an obnoxious arch user injecting software communism into his bloodstream on a daily basis. Totally not a cult thing. Hail GNU.,Counterpoint: in fringe cases, ownership requires transfer, and so more boilerplate is needed, eg The idea that higher abstraction is (by itself) better is downright kindergarten. Good code always takes time when dealing with a complex system.,I don't. I can handroll assembly for a few architectures, but I'm just not the kind of guy to build the board himself.,Masterpiece.,There's no superior choice. On Windows I'd get annoyances like random BSOD for connecting a peripheral through USB, or stupidly high disk/memory/CPU usage when idling, or sticky keys up the ass when playing a game, may whomever made that annoying popup and beep suffer hyperconstipating anal bleeding for all eternity. Linux the kernel, itself, is perfect for stuff like what I need: GNU coreutils, gcc, perl, a plain tty, and nano for editing as a higher form of disrespect. If that's all then it's great. But when you have to deal with graphic and sound cards it really does break down into incomprehensible fuckery. Virtually all hardware being proprietary means that open or ~ L I B R E ~ drivers and libraries are essentially guaranteed to fuck you in the ass -- unintentionally of course, but sodomized nonetheless. This problem will likely outlive us all, until the army of Ben Eater acolytes start building GPUs for real; only on that day will we realize the Stallmanist utopia.,@Root I've decided I don't care to: people, common people, and most certainly otherwise good people, still ostracized me throughout my life -- I do *not* look to them for healing. Am I resentful? Yes. But challenging this notion has never gone well. Matter of fact, trying to twist this fate around has only made matters worse thus far. I don't know why it took me so long to write something as simple as this one comment. Maybe because it's pretty fucking bleak and that doesn't sit well with me either.,I have no opinion on desktop environments because I've never used one. Dude, straight arch+dwm, and that's it. Perfection... well, okay, I had to recompile the window manager a few dozen fucking times. It was easy, I swear!,@Root Everyone needs people, alright. But at this point I might as well be hardwired for isolation, it's outside of my control. So whatever -- depression it is. I'm convinced the "well-adjusted" poor fuck on the opposite end feels about as miserable for different reasons. Perhaps he has it even worse, in which case, fuck him. @nosoup4u I do feel bad for talking about death so lightly, as in I'm thinking it got dark pretty darn quick, yet I have to be honest at some point. Like the fuck am I doing. Waiting for حشيش to be sold in dispensaries probably.,CHAINING MAPS IS A PERFECTLY VALID SCHOOL OF MAGIC.,@kiki I am an obnoxious arch user and I approve of this message.,thibug,Holy fuck.,Fuck, I'm no longer ignored enough -- my name appears in retoor's magical charts. This is so humiliating. Brb, gonna brew some invisibility potions.,@Demolishun Well, I have this here black soulgem, so perhaps we can strike a deal. I could enchant your pants with the good shit, you know.,@devRancid I just downvoted you, and I've downvoted someone at least once every day or so for a long time. So, lower frequency of downvotes: problem solved.,I will miss Alfred.,Intriguing, albeit mildly disturbing.,I salute you, O mighty sorcerous smartee pants, for this remarkable feat of heroism.,@retoor Not to be self-referential or anything but I called it about a month ago: You have, in essence, released the ultimate weapon, Ms. Oppenheimer -- complete with blueprints. What prevents me from repurposing your code to bombard this very board with falafel recipes and pictures of the Ayatollah, boosted to six-digit updoots, whilst silencing all who oppose my deliciously devout reign of terror? Truly, I cannot be stopped. Not a question of will it be abused, only a matter of when.,@retoor You have thus transmogrified into an ascended being of digital nature, most impressive. I suggest you utilize this inherent mystique to assert dominance over friend and foe alike. Rival botlords are guaranteed to rise up in rebellion, so best they fear you, our Guardian Android.,@retoor What are you talking about? gpt would NEVER come up with circle JACKALOPING off an evil vampire lord!,Syracuse me, but who the fuck iterates over two arrays without being sure they are the same size? The same people that need the compiler to handle memory safety, I take it? Is thinking too much trouble? Am I beyond any shred of doubt old, delirious and grumpy? Are these too many questions? Am I just fucking with you? Does this ever end? Is a two-way map real or are we more into threesomes? Why can't I find the remote? Do you get it yet? Are we to enjoy a good old whiff of you-know-who's? Is this getting old? How long can I keep it up without being bored? Am I sleep deprived, perhaps? Most certainly.,@Grumm Nice try, but all of those are in the dictionary. JACKALOPE reigns supreme! EDIT: Oh shit, retoor DID invent words. THE END TIMES HAVE COMEEE,@Lensflare Oh, spare me. Avoiding simultaneous iterations over disparately-sized arrays is mere common sense; chastity belt unrequired due to proper technique -- whether it faults or not becomes unimporant as it's never attempted in the first place. Now go ask Apple for permission to post your app, I've got shit to do.,Actually, it's van Rossum. Walrus van Rossum.,@retoor How do I remember Walrus' last name? Let me tell you a story. A guy on a board I used to lurk around comes in one day and posts some py script. I don't remember what it was, copying chunks of an image to another or something, it doesn't matter. The point is there's a loop, and the result is wrong. Everyone looks at the code and concludes he's doing everything correctly -- no one can find a single fault within his script. So we collectively conclude that the issue must be elsewhere. The guy comes back say a week later and says hey, I double checked, and I'm sure I didn't mess up anywhere else. We say how, and look at his code again. Still nothing. Shit remains a mystery for like a month, until someone finally spots that there's *one* doubly-indented line somewhere in the loop. Facepalm. That's my favorite bug of all time; it's the highest form of python being an irredeemable piece of shit. So of course I remember his fucking name. I curse it before I sleep.,@retoor Also, your code is pristine. I'm impressed. I don't get the fascination with statistics but that's alright.,0. Pick a project if you haven't 1. Fork it if you haven't 2. Look for bugs, you can generally find them posted under "issues" or similar. Alternatively, use the program for a while until YOU find a bug or annoyance you'd like to work on 3. git checkout main 4. git reset --hard upstream/main 5. git reset clean -xdf 6. git pull upstream main 7. git checkout -b branch-name 8. Read the code to locate the issue. When you're new to a codebase, this is the hard part. You have to grep around a mountain of source files for what you're looking for and narrow down what the fuck you're supposed to be looking at 9. Write the patch A. git add changed_files B. git commit -m "Fix thing" C. git push -u origin name-of-branch D. Send a PR E. Be patient F. jmp 0x00,Did anyone say TA PRAVA KEKEC PAŠTETA?,I knew it: rival lords would rise up in revolt to challenge any emerging power. Steel yourselves, fellow ranters, rectal warfare is inevitable!,Friendly reminder that the traditional punishment for treason is DEATH.,I typed "fuck java" into the search bar.,Psssst... hey, kid. Wanna buy some perl?,FANNING THE FLAMES OF WAR,@retoor Random thought, if I published my lore, and someone trained a model on it, my guess is it'll start wildly hallucinating when asked to explain cycles and shadow gates. Or the shadow realm in general. Or the ancient world split, for that matter. What do you mean, guided by the Archlitarch beyond the river, and into the land of legends? Norden than north! C++ is a shotgun pointed at your feet, saves you a lot of time with common tasks, but discipline still mandatory not to blow both your fucking legs off. It's OK. All C code is still valid C++ so you can just use it for like the one or two abstractions that are convenient and ignore everything else.,@retoor kikibot sounds awesome, not gonna lie. Much more viable too. Liebrancabot would just trip balls while spitting random phrases in broken shami arabic 90% of the time.,lmao, those bland ass one-dimensional takes. You know, the thing about anything political is it relates directly to multitudes of people, and a single person can already be pretty complex. It's handling unfathomable depths, in essence, and so nobody's happy no matter what you say or do. Anyway, only for that thicc ass bamya they grow in mainland China I'm willing to say long live the communist party, all jokes obviously. Or is it? Would Chiang Kai-shek provide the Peronist Republic with produce of *this* quality? So many questions left unanswered.,@Demolishun boost is the answer to every other issue c: I just hate downloading libs all the time.,@cuddlyogre Back in the day, I thought no one would ever be nostalgic for the 2000s, and I've already been proven wrong. Give it another decade or two. Born-in-the-wrong-generation type kids will most likely find a way to look back at it positively, I'm sure.,@Chewbanacas Eclipse.,@Chewbanacas I don't use IDEs at all nowadays, thank God. This was a while ago. I had to edit someone else's work and couldn't build it from the commandline for some reason, so I bit the bullet. 99% of the workload was setting up the stupid environment, downright idiotic, but then the actual programming part was easy. By which I mean java, itself, is mostly OK. I think more or less the same of Kotlin if I'm being honest. The real problem is always the damn tooling, bullshit all the way down.,@retoor I'm fond of emacs but can't sacrifice my left pinky. I need it for guitar reasons. So I use nano and that mountain of build tools I wrote in perl, 100% console rat. I'm now rewritting the tools in fasm because I can: death to scripts is the new motto.,lmao, I like coding like it's 1970. This modern bullshit needs to be erradicated, without mercy, shoved back up the very depths of that vast, ominous somber asshole that spawned it. Uncle Bob. Also Walruses.,@retoor My position on Walrus is that having a specific operator for "assign and return the assigned value" is utter nonsense. In "(X=*F) == Y", the result of the assignment is being checked for equality. It is obvious. Walrus is never obvious. For one, because it does something different in every language. If we don't agree on what the operator means, first and foremost, then it's a bad idea to begin with. Second, the reason multiple operators for assignment would even be desirable is making it explicit whether data is being copied rather than transfered. That is a real problem with every OOP reference dungfest, which Python is and so shares in this and every other design flaw. You get Walrus, but this, never properly addressed. Third, Walrus van Rossum, word ptr [$ECDE ror 16]; purposefully nonsensical yet absolutely meaningful in it's own way. What was I talking about again?,And then you die and there's nothing. Feel nihilistic yet? Just kidding; الله أكبر.,Also they're cute, makes it so their scientifically proven acts of straight-up mind control through parasites seem like less of an affront.,@localpost He used bots to get over 9K updoots in well under 24 hours. The anti-spam system tried to fight him, but his own network overpowered everything, and now the spammers have more plusplus than legit rants, across the fucking board. We could all come together to generate more bot accounts for the anti-spam system, so that we have enough expendables to downvote the spammers back to hell. But that'll only prompt the fucker to double down and outnumber us again. In essence, we're down to the nuclear option: the only way to conclusively fuck him is to nuke devrant itself.,@retoor This is war; time to do away with the reputation system, put a blacklist in place, and begin mass-production of accounts. How many soldiers can ragnar command on it's own? We'll need multiple battalions.,@myss The plusplus are largely irrelevant. It seems the main objective was either bypassing or outright putting the benign bots out of commision, something the spam accounts -- that are quite likely controlled by him -- have been trying to do since retoor's system was first introduced. At this, he has succeeded. And it seems he can hide the anti-spam bots' messages by bombing them with downvotes, too. That's why there's comments here that aren't visible. So: he fucked us. And just to make it worse, I think he's getting paid for this shit as well. I agree that he's worthless, but man, I sure wish we had a ban fucking hammer right now. This one has earned it.,@Demolishun We make it an event. Build hype. Interview them, have them trash-talk each other. Maybe sell some T-Shirts. Then we peer-pressure Sid into streaming the fight on his channel. Think about it. It's a win-win.,lmao, that's a sound proposition. But difference between US presidential candidates lies entirely within the realm of internal -- rather than foreign -- policies, so likely it wouldn't change much. Obama dropped bombs like b2plane drops fat stinking dumps, so progressive they gave him the nobel peace prize.,@retoor Holy fuck, you kamikazed the bitch into oblivion. He's just... gone. POOF. Dafuq? What kind of black magic sacrifice is this? Do not tell me. Absolute beauty.,@retoor I salute you, O honorable guardian 🫡,@SidTheITGuy I do think arranging a boxing match to try and fuck up an interwebz enemy is a bit much. The point of it seems to be literally beating the opponent over something dumb to prove your worth; a dick-measuring trial by combat, if you will. However, I also think it's hilarious that people would actually do it. As in, thinking that it'd make them look good rather than moronic. Bonus points if the challenger is the one to drop like a sack of potatoes.,@Demolishun I'm not complaining, and in fact I'm grateful, but you didn't have to do that lmao,BREAKING: amidst rescheduling of the much anticipated devRant bowl, rising YouTube star SidTheITGuy confesses to premeditated manslaughter. We reached out to shovethisupmine, for clarification on the many rumors that he is fearful for his life, but he refused to comment and assured us he is "def not chickening out".,@kobenz I don't think they know that qubits require temperatures of around or outright below absolute zero to maintain their state.,@atheist Oh, my bad, you can't go below it as that's impossible. You're right. Point still stands.,@netikras I've been here since forever, I just have this weird tendency to delete my account a while after I hit 1K, then come back a few years later. ** OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYS IN THE BACKGROUND **,@djsumdog maybe he's on tty and Lynx doesn't render the search results properly. You know, switching to your sidearm being faster and all.,@retoor No, I have the pet already! Her name is Sawda. She is my mage familiar now.,It's actually a bit more nuanced than one might assume: the memory of emergent, "disruptive" technology making entire business redundant is still relatively fresh -- it's been happening quite frequently in the last, say, two hundred years or so. Why those folks went absolutely bankrupt should be seen on a case-by-case basis, but the overarching theme is some novel invention ruins everything. From that, integrating every shiny new thing became the default strategy for survival. The problematic part is as you have outlined: people will blindly try to adopt technology without understanding it, or even knowing if it can actually do anything for them, in a somewhat FOMO-related way. In general, "what if we disregard this new thing and get driven out of business because of it?" seems to be the thought process. It's based on fear and ignorance to begin with. Thus, I propose we abolish all this silly corporate idiocracy and go back to living from the land as our ancestors did.,kiki is cyborg assassin confirmed?,The grandest revelation yet!,In truth, "reinventing the wheel" as they call it is the best education, and to be fair, they have students do a little bit of this in various universities. Say implementing malloc in C, for instance. The problem is they don't have them do this *enough*. It's what some mathematicians call "painting the fence", in reference to how math itself is usually taught in an almost frivolous manner, without affording the apprentice any serious time to ponder deeply into what they're doing, actively barring them from gaining any semblance of better understanding. No: one simply solves the problem, by following some described method on a mindless, step-by-step basis, without knowing why you're doing what you're doing. Hence, painting the fence. More or less the exact same idiocy can be applied to programming when it comes to education. Do not take things apart, just solve the problem. Don't think about it. Just get it done. And that is why nothing fucking works.,@retoor How is HE (your dad) in a very *not obvious* [CLOSET] to be, telling you what's in it to boot? Don't you know what being in the closet means? ;> And yes, my mommii. I was broke for years and years, but she never kicked me out. Thank you mommii <3 Regarding the last sentence, I can't beat much around this one, so full disclosure: I'm thirty. I couldn't *legally* marry the girl because I had no money. We still very much meant to get married, and could do so now, but sadly she passed away five years ago; God is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs. On a lighter note, I'm doing fine.,Anarchy: the cows question the basis on which your authority to sell their milk is predicated.,@donkulator As Žižek would put it, "you need gulag".,@donkulator Even in gulag, comrade Slavoj find new ways to sniff cocaine, use American product for disguising marketing as fatuous philosophy, marry much younger woman, and so on and so on...,@retoor I didn't know devRant was built for fake advertisements. Hmm, time to double down on the sponsored segments...,@retoor Please tell me you did NOT visit cuadruple triple-double-long-u-int double-double-you dot dot dot and use my promo code NEEDGULAG for 300% OFF free parking...,@retoor Oh, so unexpected! Did famous multimillionaire good-for-nothing utter piece of shit leeches of society that live off swampswallowing corporate fluids on the internet really push malware on their brainrotten audience and kept absolutely silent about it for years despite their own money being poached? What a twist! Seriously though, this some first world normie shit. What are these bitches saving money for anyway, all theyre gonna do is buy expensive worthless crap they dont need. Bunch of losers. It always goes from "FREE money!" to "the moist internal walls of my anus have been mercilessly slaughtered" pretty fucking quick doesnt it. Yet they never learn. Well, who cares. If I have to part with a few extra bucks, but the cocksucker living off of adverts gets NO money, then I'm paying full price. Fuck him. Thats the leninist-stallmanist-interjectionist mindset, or as I've taken to calling it, GNU plus communism. Anyway, adverts are cancer; vote uBlock for president.,You'll have to summon Lensflare, with cookies and milk probably. Anyway, sauce:,@dfox @trogus turbo assembler shirts when?,@retoor It's the coffee doing things to my brain :B,@retoor But doctor, promethean gayness is statistically inconsistent with the nigh-coprophagous fixation exposed by the subject -- we must conduct further analyses before accepting such a hypothesis!,@retoor Nice! Now make him a puppy! A black pointer, to be precise -- that's more my style. But I will also accept baby elephant and big cute fluffy bunny. Or a swan, if you're feeling creative...,@kiki Though it is an audacious proposition, I am still confident we can neatly accomodate "legalization of slanging dope" into such an argument.,@retoor بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم To the best of my knowledge, all of the Four Books teach forgiveness. But one does not simply "forgive themselves"; they don't wield the power to will their guilt away but to fool themselves and even fool the rest: they cannot wash away the stain, save that they first cease their transgressions and wash their hands instead, so as to turn to God in full submission to His will. As for what Vainilla here has done: he took to spewing vile to everything and everyone, under the cover of anonimity like the coward that he is, and somehow expects that "forgiving himself" is sufficient repentance. It is not. Were it up to me, he would be banned. But if he behaves, I will be a good sport, and make a point not to slap him.,My good man, we are on a Biblical roll on devotion rant this week. But the story is more about disobedience itself that the apple or the tree being bad; they did what they were explicitly told not to, hence the punishment.,@retoor "The term 'based' was actually derived from the term 'basehead' which was used during the 1980s crack epidemic. It was used to refer to individuals who were addicted to freebasing cocaine, the base form of the drug which make it smokable. (...) 'based' referred to someone who was a crackhead or acting like one." **Based** indeed lmao. Don't we breed snakes to use their venom for medicine? I'm pretty sure we do. All creatures have their place, even the treacherous danger noodles.,@retoor Party hard. Perhaps banning is a bit extreme. But there's a fine balance to strike, eh. One can't be lenient towards malice.,@retoor lmaoooo I'm sorry to inform you that I don't have curly hair. Sad, I know. Also I don't have a Mac. But everything else is lore accurate.```