all: build clean sync_excempt export_dataset export_stats merge_images build: pip install build python -m build . pip install -e . sync: dr.sync clean: -@rm -r export mkdir -p export sync_excempt: @echo "Sync is not executed because it's a lengthy process ending with timeout error." export_stats: @echo "Make sure you have ran 'make sync' first. Results will be in ./export/" @echo "Exporting statisticts." dr.stats_all export_dataset: @echo "Make sure you have ran 'make sync' first." @echo "Exporting dataset to be used for LLM embedding. Result will be ./export/0_dataset.txt" dr.dataset > export/dataset.txt merge_images: @echo "Merging images to one big image. Result will be ./export/1_graphs_compliation.png." python