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2024-12-03 03:28:35 +00:00
12bitfloat said ๐Ÿ‘‹,It's both funny and frightening how removed from reality some of these far lefties really are
Everything they accuse you of, they are doing themselves
Everything they say is the opposite of reality,@antigermgerm Not everything I say is correct, I also suffer from bias like everyone else
The difference is, I base my ideas on reality, so when they are wrong they are at least not THAT wrong
These people's ideas aren't even connected to reality, so they are just wrong by default,@antigermgerm We've already argued and I've poked huge logical holes into a lot of your arguments, so I'd say I'm not entirely incorrect,@antigermgerm Remember the thing about genocide being bad? Until it wasn't? That one was funny,@antigermgerm Man, I'd like a waffle right now. With sugar and cinnamon and a little bit of nutella ๐Ÿ˜‹,@antigermgerm Man what the hell. You really don't like nutella!?,@antigermgerm Fair enough. Do you put some buttermilk in your pancakes? That shit goes crazy,"You aren't you when you're hungry",@antigermgerm Bruh you were just saying you don't put anything on there
I feel betrayed and lied to,@antigermgerm Okay I forgive you,Don't do drugs kids!,Kinda offtopic but not having an avatar at 5k updoots is kinda gigachad,@jestdotty That's also definitely true, there's TONS of rage bait and stuff
But the point still stands... They wouldn't do that IRL because they'd get roughing up,@retoor You're not wrong, but I mean it more in the general sense of mankind. If you talk shit, you get hit.... Only now in the internet age is it different that you can essentially talk as much shit as you want without any consequence whatsoever,@jestdotty Yikes, that sounds horrible
But I say this: If you would have punched him into the next dimension, he would have stopped right quick
But that's easier to say when you're a man. Which is why we need to protect women and stop to pretending men and women are exactly the same. We should have the same rights, but we have very different experiences,@jestdotty Yeah but that's exactly what I'm saying: Men have a system of shared influence over each other because they can beat each other the f down
That's why they aren't violent.... At leat against each other,He's literally not even in office ๐Ÿ’€,Spare the whining for january,He tried with a trial in finnland (?) where you needed to pay 1 dollar to create an account and there was outrage
Nobody knows how to stop bots,@antigermgerm Someones looking for that german bratwurst ๐Ÿ˜,@Lensflare That's one of the reasons I like devrant. I think if platforms become too big you naturally form bubbles as obviously not everybody can see and interact with everyone else, so they congregate with people they agree with
Devrant is small enough that there can be *one* post feed which means we all get exposed to the ideas of everyone else
Kinda keeps you more grounded,@Lensflare Zwรถlfo and Drรถlfo, best friends,@theranter I suspect quite a bit actually lol
By the democrats, republicans, north korea, russia, china, they are all doing it,@Tounai Kinda? rustdoc/docs.rs is just objectively so awesome I can't really complain
It literally compiles documentation for *all* crates on crates.io for all versions, with types fully interlinked between dependencies, etc etc
It's just the best thing ever,@devRancid If you think Java or C++ (doxygen) even comes CLOSE to the Rust experience then you have never used Rust, it's so beautiful
And yeah, obviously good hand written documentation is even better. But most non rust libraries don't even have auto generated documentation, or at least one that doesn't suck ass (doxygen)!,Like this shit is what I have to deal with in JS world (and this is even above average!): https://glmatrix.net/docs/
Meanwhile in Rust: https://docs.rs/cgmath/latest/...
Just no comparison, don't even @ me,@devRancid Cry more lmao
I never said cgmath docs are perfect, but it doesn't even matter because it still lists exactly what I want to know
What? Your pea brain needs a 3 paragraph description for a function called "vec3" which takes x, y and z and returns a Vector3 like it isn't fucking obvious what it does?
Auto generated docs aren't the be all end all, but fuck me, 99.9% of non rust libs can't even manage *that*,@devRancid WIth all due respect, you're just willfully ignorant because you are afraid Rust will overtake you
And if that's you're attitude, at some point it will
I was a retarded Rust hater just like you at some point. Then I got over my ego and started learning it, and I'm not looking back
Not that Rust is the answer to everything. It has it's issues, both big and small, but you are so blinded by the fear of unknown that you can't even acknowledge the language for what it is. Sad,@Demolishun True! -- for the standard library
Not for any third party c++ libraries,@Demolishun Wasn't trying to be mean! I like cppreference a lot, but it's only for std
That's exactly why I'm so grateful for Rust having a good docs story for all libraries,@atheist Auto complete doesn't give you a full overview of all types, functions, etc
... and of course you need to first add the dependency to your project
Sometimes you just want to see how a few libs are designed so you can choose which one you like best. No problem with docs.rs,Not wrong lol
I mean most of these are so unnecessarily hard to type for zero benefit,@Lensflare The semicolons are a monoid in the category of endofunctors, you wouldn't get it,Lots if not most of the actually talented people seem to have moved on from the once legendary game developers
Too much bureaucratic bullshit. Too much woke bullshit
IMO indie games have overtaken AAA in almost every way,@Demolishun I'm in your camp too, but I think int *foo; is actually more correct
As far as I know, C and C++ consider foo a pointer variable of type int, instead of a variable of type int pointer
There are only a few cases where the distinction shows itself in syntax though (can't remember them),@Demolishun Ah right now I remember, here's an example: `int* a, b;` only declares the first variable as a pointer, the second is just an int
That has tripped me up before lol,@Lensflare I don't think you can ever be a point where you can't learn something new about c++ lol,A certifiably bad experience,@Demolishun I really like it. It feels like average people are finally waking up to the far left propaganda that has infested and destroyed media for the last decade,(not even a political post lol just glad I was able to get something done),@Demolishun That's kinda fucked. Though I don't think she's smart enough to understand the implications,@AlgoRythm dragons dogma balls 2, now in stores near you,Should've gone full microsoft with a /no:emit,Nah, Rust's syntax is miles ahead of C. It's more consistent, intuitive and expressive. Can't do `let [a, b, ..rest] = &list;` destructuring in C can ya?
IMO Rust is also just a better language than C. Not that C is bad for what it is, but it's a language that was invented 20 gazillion years ago -- as a portable assembly, mind you --, so obviously Rust could learn from decades of language design,@retoor Rust definitely isn't a toy, but it's not as mature as C yet. Rust has only existed in it's final form for 10 years, give it some time,@lorentz Fair enough, I meant it more like "in the current 1.0 form where backwards compatibility is guarenteed". Before 2015 Rust was changing daily in big ways, it was kinda crazy,What why,@retoor I'm not sure what to think about the dependency situation in Rust
Yes Rust uses more smaller dependencies, but unlike JavaScript, these libraries are overwhelmingly high quality and non-trivial,@retoor Raw pointers don't carry any ownership semantics which can lead to various bugs
If you get passed a raw pointer, do you now own the pointer? Should you free it or does somebody else free it? Is it just temporary? If it is, what is it's object lifetime?
That's why it's recommended to use smart pointers, because it's harder to misuse them (and they will clean themselves up, which is nice),@Demolishun If you use a shared_ptr it should work by itself (not in Qt though) (well, and also not bidirectional parent<->child relationships, but that's a topic for another day)
IMO that's one of the beautiful things about C++ which Rust took inspiration from: Being able to build zero-cost(-ish) abstractions which do the right thing and make it harder or impossible to use incorrectly
For example, in my code base there is not a single point where I have to manually clean something up. It just all happens automatically for me (assuming I don't have rc cycles lol)
It just makes your code so much cleaner and more robust, I love it,Damn! What model is it running? Is it your own?,@retoor It unfortunately didn't load for me, it just times out :(,@retoor Looks good I guess lol
I'm not saying you can't make a working program with raw pointers
But I really believe higher level abstractions like smart pointers let you program so much quicker without sacrificing much or even any performance,@retoor Same. It does it's job, so.... idk ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ,@retoor Oh that might be it. I use a specific dns provider, maybe the records haven't been flushed yet,Bro has that IPv3 address ๐Ÿ’€,I don't work in the industry, but I do develop a game as a sidejob,More shizo drivel lets gooooo,@retoor Just as an update: It still times out for me here in germany,Damn my guy bout to write write graphics drivers,Microsoft has over 200'000 employees. Yes, two hundred thousand (!)
And they can't make a fucking button,https://youtube.com/watch/...,@devRancid Git gui gets a bad rep but it's honestly so much easier to do complex commits where you pick and choose hunks,Code architecture can be really frustrating in Rust, I feel you
But at the end, you at least have a correct program. Other languages let you write wildly incorrect programs no problem
Kind of depends on what your personal style is,@Lensflare Schรถnes Wort,Don't forget to drink a water before going to bed :D,@retoor I can guarentee you that I could find a race condition or a possible null pointer bug in about 5 minutes if I saw your code bases
Nothing personal, just the reality of software :P
2024-12-03 05:45:24 +00:00
(I'm a former Java guy, if there's a thing I know, it's null pointer bugs),@retoor It does work now!,@retoor I'm not a big AI guy, even chatgpt rarely says something useful for me :D,Debugging! What a great time!
(im in so much pain),The target folder is per top level crate unless vscode does something weird
You an change it via target-dir in a cargo .config file (https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/... ). Have one globally in your projects folder then you can have all artifacts in one place,@lorentz Man, hearing the @jestdotty story almost makes me agree with the people that say async rust was a mistake... It really wasn't -- and in fact I just prototyped fibers (async without await) in Rust and came to the conclusion that it's just objectively worse -- but it still makes me sad that someones first experience with Rust is async fuckery
2024-12-03 03:28:35 +00:00
The language has so much else nice to give,@jestdotty I agree with you! (somewhat)
Doing async rust well is very complex. Normal Rust is already complex but async makes it 2 times harder
Unfortunately there isn't really a fix for that. It isn't that Rust is bad, because Rust is insanely good. It's not that async Rust is bad, because it's probably the best async implementation possible inside Rusts framework of rules
It's just that.... Rust is hard, and frustrating, and sometimes really annoying.
But it's such a beautiful language I just can't hate it,@jestdotty To answer more directly:
* Yes the Rust community (despite the marketing) is toxic; really just as toxic as any other online community is toxic (I just wish they would stop saying that "oh we are so non toxic crap")
* AI for Rust sucks, but really AI just sucks for most of non-trivial programming
* Well yeah you can have async blocks which are move (and thus 'static) or not (and thus not 'static, which can be really useful),@jestdotty No, I get it :D
When I was learning Rust I was so fucking furious I wanted to throw my computer out of the window
I don't know, for me Rust is really something different. I still program in Java, C#, Python and JavaScript and I like all of these. They let me make something quickly. And I really like that
But Rust also has something I really like: Despite the complexity and stuff, just the feeling of making something that's truly robust. Something that can't just break willy nilly, I really like that,@jestdotty move is a special keyword on closures specifically that means "any values touched by this closure should be moved in, instead of being referenced"
I'm not *that* well versed on borrow rules (to be fair, they are insanely complex lol), but normally futures should work fine
I suspect (thought I might be very wrong) that your issue is, that you return `impl Future<Output = Foo>` and you want to use that. It might be that you need `impl Future<Output = Foo> + Send` so that you signal that it is thread safe
Not entirely sure though, variance is such a complicated topic,@jestdotty Also your problem may or may not be addressed by this new language feature: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/10/...
(like I said, lifetimes are complex :P ),@jestdotty Also funnily enough, my fiber implementation in Rust would maybe actually help you :D
It's not implemented yet, but it doesn't require async or lifetimes and just works.... it also has pretty big downsides (big virtual stack size, less flexibility), but it's a pretty cool experiment,@jestdotty Oh yeah, keeping things simple is always the right approach, especially in rust :D,@jestdotty Good question... parking_lot's deadlock check probably didn't find anything because if it did, your pogram would have soft locked instead of just been slow :D
2024-12-03 05:45:24 +00:00
Just a quick check: Are you running in release mode? (--release),@jestdotty oh boy, that sounds fun <.<,Surely engagement baiting will make people buy from your scam company,@Lensflare He needs to know the arcane wisdom of shitting out a fat log
Just in this case it's his nose,@retoor What happened to your account? :O,@jestdotty Even if simple make sure to never hold an std/parkinglot mutex guard across an await point
2024-12-03 03:28:35 +00:00
2024-12-03 05:24:10 +00:00
It really could be a deadlock that at the start is unlikely due to a short lock duration but as you process data and fill up your data structures the critical section becomes longer and longer so the chance for a task trying to lock while another task currently has the lock goes up dramatically,@jestdotty If it starts with CollectPixels<ReadRequiredChannel<ReadRequiredChannel<ReadRequiredChannel<NoneMore, R>, G>, then it's fair to assume it's not Rust that's the problem ;),@jestdotty Await point is each point where you call .await
2024-12-03 03:28:35 +00:00
The problem with holding a mutex guard across an await point is this: If one task locks the mutex then calls .await, it may now give up execution to another running task. If that second task tries to acquire the same mutex and both tasks are scheduled on the same os thread, you've now deadlocked the tread
2024-12-03 05:24:10 +00:00
It happening at a later point in your program could be, like I said, because your critical sections are getting longer as time goes on, so the chance goes up,I.e. like this: https://play.rust-lang.org//...,Of course this cuck gets a reverse prenup lule,@retoor What say you now?? Huh, didn't think so ๐Ÿ˜Ž,@retoor Actually now that I think of it, I think AIs are very good at spoken languages because spoken lanugages -- despite all their explicit and implicit rules -- are SO much simpler than programming languages
So no wonder they are bad at Rust :P They aren't a real human,@retoor Hey!!! Don't compare Rust to React! I take personal offence to that
Rust is like a beautiful lady. Wonderful and elegant and strong
React is like an obese women who can't stand up for more than 30 seonds
Those are not the same!!,@retoor Nah... A lady of very high standing! Only the royality are good enough for the Rust lady :P,@retoor Looks like a good lady ๐Ÿ˜,@retoor Nah it never made it,The biggest problem is AIs not being able to say when they don't know something
Oh and that whole "oh sorry, you are totally right, here is some bullshit I just made up to conform to your expectations" schtick
JUST TELL ME YOU DON'T KNOW SOMETHING GOD DAMMIT!!,@jestdotty @Lensflare It surely must be possible to have extra neurons trained on whether something was actually learned during training or not...
Or I don't know, I'm not an AI engineer ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ,Working at microsoft? ๐Ÿ‘€,Funny that they somehow forgot "white men"
Guess it just isn't biased against them. Like asking "tell a joke about women" and "tell a joke about men" and it only does the latter.... Weird coincidences all around,@CoreFusionX Wait, they have a hlsl compiler? Or working on dxc?,@devRancid Let's call it cmake++,When it works cmake is awesome
Problem is it never fucking works right,@retoor "Most of them are C"
To be fair, 20-30 years you didn't have much choice :P,> Don't abuse the power guys
"Sometimes foreshadowing is rather obvious",@retoor Okay, that makes sense :D,@antigermanist If you are so against discrimination -- as you claim -- why are you so easily dismissing possible discrimination?
Of course I know the answer; It's because you never cared about discrimination as a concept, you only care if it happens against the groups you have identified as oppressed so that you can feel superior and excuse any unjust force you may use against others as morally acceptable
No, discrimination based on race or gender isn't acceptable. Whether it happens against black people, white people, women, men, whatever,I swear, crocheting is like a super power
You can just make thing appear like magic,Let's just counter spam the spammers
Everything they spam we spam 2 times back,@antigermanist "I dont believe in identity politics", meanwhile:
"a few white people are successful, therefore ALL white people as a group deserve to be discriminated against"
You are so low intelligence it actually hurts,GNOME people, not linux
GNOME "people",@CoreFusionX I know, I was just hoping I found someone I can complain to when the spirv backend in dxc is broken again lol,@kiki Don't worry about kiki, your life will be happier if you don't know,Thanks for the reminder, just did the first day :P,You can only get better at programming by doing a bunch of programming
Make a project!,@antigermanist Price of what power
Most men don't have power. You are using a tiny subset of successful men to judge all men by
A 20 year old with a useless college degree, no friends and depression doesn't have power
Yet you are perfectly willing to throw him under the bus because he dares being a white man,@antigermanist No I don't want privileges for white men, I just want governments, companies and schools to not be deliberately racist and sexist against them
Equality for all. Really not a radical concept,@antigermanist
Sure, people in some countries have more opportunities than people from other countries
But how is some random 20 year old to blame for that. And so much so that he personally deserves to be discriminated against?
You really need to stop thinking in terms of groups and start thinking as people as separate and distinct individuals, with their own flaws and virtues. Because groups can't feel pain or oppression, only individuals can. And by judging people purely based on their group identity, you are unfairly treating all the people who aren't perfect representatives for the average of the group,Not really. Yes effort doesn't mean success, but putting in effort also trains you to have a better work ethic, more patience and generally makes you a happier person,@antigermanist In the US whites and asians, especially men, are systemically discriminated against in most universities. That's just a fact
Yeah there are other forms of discrimination against other groups too, but two wrongs don't make one right,@antigermanist There are many reasons (mostly historic, financial and cultural) why in uni people are more likely white than not
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
But why do you just assume (without having given any proof) that that must be because of discrimination? WHILE(!) downplaying the existence of actually real, written in black and white, systemic discrimination against whites (and asians),It do so in germany as well! I love snow,Advent of code makes me feel stupid
In 2023 I was already WAY out of my depth at day 10 or something lmao
Some weird math stuff where you needed to figure out graph cycles in a huge interconnected list of entities so that you can reason about some edge case which leads to a proof of contradiction or something
like hello??????,@Chewbanacas No it's definitely cool
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
Just would be nice if I wasn't so dumb :P,Maybe I'm in the minority but I like a good rounded corner. Yes, macOS is very beautiful,Why did he have to call it don't() instead of dont(), that screwed up my rust codebase :P,@Tounai I tried doing it without rayon, both via an atomic int and just assigning fixed subsets of the list to each thread by the threads id, but both approaches were slower than rayon... Even though rayon is so much more complex... Haven't quite figured that out,That's just bevy
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
Definitely a little all over the place but it allows you to write game logic which safely and concurrently can mutate your game state / entities
Entity Component Systems in other languages don't look much different,It's honestly very childish to cram your own politics into places it doesn't belong
What does an editor program have to do with politics? Absolutely nothing
Yet the maintainers, tactless as they are, think it's a good idea to abuse the platform they have to shove their own thoughts into peoples faces
Just make your mediocre editor and shut the fuck up. You are known because of Notepad++ not because people care what you think of world politics,@Tounai I'm not a big theory or maths guy either,@retoor Forking is copy-on-write by default. The forked process gets the same address space but it traps on writes at which point the OS clones the touched segment
In you're C version you're not writing to any "shared" memory, so it doesn't have *that* much overhead. The OS still has to bookkeep the multiple page tables and stuff and (i believe?) has to flush TLB caches on context switch (even though it's the same program...), so it's still quite a bit slower than threads,@retoor Can't be a girl, we all know girls don't poop,@Demolishun I heard someones talking shit about Rust!? ๐Ÿ˜ค,@retoor I'll be interested how much faster that is :D,@jestdotty Not all Rust code looks this bad :P
Yes, bevy is kinda horrible. But for a good reason! The problem it solves just sucks, whether in Rust or C++ or Java
If you want to read codebases, check out cli tools written in Rust, I think they are generally a lot nicer
For example just: https://github.com/casey/just/...,@jestdotty (actually scratch that, the just codebase seems *very* small file-ish lol),@retoor That's so weird!!!!
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
My manual threading attempts in Rust where also slower: from 0.63 to 0.77 seconds
How???? What is the magic sauce??,@retoor Look at the gittea issues :P
You need to add target to .gitignore,@retoor Hmmm you're spawning as many threads as you have arguments, that's acutally very inefficient
You should be spawning as many threads as you have cores (no idea how to query that in C) and then "claim" the next item for each thread in a loop
When I was testing this in Rust, having either less or more threads than my processor resulted in significant lower performance,@retoor No, you really do need to do more than this :P
It's not hard though! Just have an atomic int which each thread in a loop increments. If the returned value is above the number of args, return and kill the thread. Else, process the file in the list with the claimed idx,@retoor Having the builds doesn't make much sense, yeah partially because of linux/windows but also for other reasons. If you want to publish a pre-built binary don't publish the target folder, instead just copy the binary and publish that,@retoor 23:33 is time for python? :P
Maybe time for another drink. Prost ๐Ÿบ,@retoor Yeah but you have target/ in your git which you shouldnt :P,@retoor One in 6 hours? That's determination
I'm on my 6th 5% 0.5L right now :P,@retoor One issue is pulling. If you have it in there I can't pull the repo because of differences, because my local compile artifacts differ from the repo!,@retoor I drink waay too much for sure....
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
Good on you for stopping! But yeah meth is DEFINITELY not better :P,@retoor Well... you are wrong :P,@Demolishun Schwarzenegger is really painful. Such a cool action star, reduced to a mouthpiece of whatever current agenda we have... :(,@retoor What the hell are you thinking? I was talking about saving and critiquing it
Art is still art and should be critiqued and analyzed like anything else
Geez,@Demolishun Honestly, the internet itself should be kept away from children
I say this as someone who (like many of us) very much was a child of the internet, and without it I would have never learning programming!
But still..... There is something not good about being 10 years old on the internet,@retoor :P,@Demolishun I don't think that's ever gonna affect the real world anyways... Good or bad, just like with porn sites, they will just find some loop hole and it'll be fine
But honestly I don't know how to feel about it. Because I'm the exact person to decry censorship about this.... But like.... I also think it's a good idea
Man it all sucks, that's why I just try to keep to myself lol,@retoor Sorry, I'm not to deep into this stuff :P
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
What's amphetamines vs meth amphetanines?,@retoor True! Tabacco taxes are insane!!!!,@retoor Im now 25 but I also taught myself Java at 10 years old with youtube tutorials and stackoverflow.... That's why Im saying, I don't think it's a good idea to not have children on the internet
But it also has downsides! Yeah everything sucks....,@retoor Not wrong :D But I also think the internet preys on people
Okay heres a personal thing: I'm deeply addicted to youtube. Like actually addicted. If I stop watching youtube for a day I feel like absolute shit. Full drug-like withdrawal syndromes. I feel deeply depressed, I don't know what to do, I feel like nothing has a purpose anymore
It is no fucking joke. For real.
I don't know if young children should be raised with this. It's literally like gambling addiction (well at least you can't lose money). It over-stimulates your brain receptors like cocaine
Theres nothing good about it,@retoor That's not necessarily a good thing!!,@retoor Well, the algorithm learns what you watch... I you watch LTT or rewatch the same videos often the algorithm will start doing that,@retoor I can write a bit of python :P not my main language
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
I used to hate it but now I kinda like it,@retoor I still wish they had operator overloading
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
don't @ me,@retoor Yeah sometimes the algorithm is kinda dumb
Btw is this music for you? https://youtube.com/watch/...
It's very good :P,@retoor Didn't mean it personally :D Just as a saying,@retoor No! Sometimes things easy things are just good! (I say this as a Rust dev lmao)
2024-12-05 22:12:12 +00:00
No honestly though. Yes C is cool, but writing a relatively hard program in C is just so much harder than writing it in C#, Java, Rust DESPITE C being a simpler language! The complexity of the language has to match the complexity of the problem! Else you are just doing a bunch of unnecessary stuff
That's my thoughts,@retoor The "don't @ me" is a twitter meme, where people didn't want to listen to other people who disagreed with them
But whatever listen to this: https://youtu.be/KOgvA98FifU/...
Very good,@retoor Like in Rust I can just create a BTree with BTreeMap::new()
In C using a btree will be hundreds of lines of code!!! And then it will not be that efficient because each key/value will be separately heap allocated.... Not so in Rust! (or at least it doesn't *have* to be in C, but it certainly will be),@Tounai Absolutely! Also the beauty about Rust is that it's just a modern language. It doesn't suffer from 20 years of backwards compatibility of horrible features that should never have been added (like c++)
Idiomatic Rust code just looks like idiomatic Rust code. It looks beautiful (imo),@retoor How did you use a btree in C? Because I don't think that argument is gonna end well for you
:P,@retoor Yeah that's all cool and stuff.... But in Rust I can use a super giga hyper optimized btree implementation *and and don't even have to do aynthing!*. All I have to do is BTreeMap::new() and I have one
Here are the many thousands lines of code: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/...
Yeah it's SUPER complex!! But what do I care! I now have a super fast BTree and I don't even have to do anything!!!,@retoor But it isn't!
Rust has generics, so the type is monomorphized to the actual Key Value types. It's optimized just for them
Not to mention -- and with all due respect -- the Rust standard library implementation of a BTree is likely *extremely* optimized, so much more than you or me could even dream of
It's an incredibly good BTree implementation. And I can just use it. In C you can't. Because C doesn't have generics,@retoor With all due respect, but you can't
My Rust code for isspam was already only 1/3 the length of your C code, and still faster
2024-12-06 22:13:39 +00:00
Propose something that Rust is bad at and I will show you it's better than C,@Demolishun Whoever wrote this shit needs to kept away from any level of authority
This is the most dystopian insane shit I've read in a long time, holy shit,@Demolishun "the most dangerous people are the ones trying to save the world"
All of these self proclaimed philanthropes give my goose bumps. Just how deluded can somebody be... assuming he actually believes this stuff and doesn't just wanna make money, which is probably his real aim
Bill Gates made over 500 million dollars with his climate efforts, or something like that. Huh, didn't know saving the planet was this profitable!,@Demolishun It's not necessarily that people are stupid (okay, they are) but they just don't know. There's so much dark shit going on behind the courtain that not many people know about
And then you get called a conspiracy theorist... Yeah but there actually are a bunch of conspiracies going on!!!
One of the funny things of the trump election win was big news companies admitting that they were super biased against trump and now want to change that
2024-12-08 13:01:05 +00:00
Funny, because before they tried gaslighting us that they are actually super objective and would never lie or make stuff up... yeah,Not as far as I'm aware, there are a few vector libraries but they all suck and have no features
I'm considering biting the bullet and just going full skia for my engines ui,Also slug seems good (https://sluglibrary.com/ ) but it's "contact us" so yeah...,You can also just go a shop, shameless steal anything you want up to $1000, and you'll never receive any punishment
2024-12-11 16:53:22 +00:00
Because enforcing laws is racist or something,@antigermanist Obeying the most basic law and order is bad now? Jeez, talk about far lefties having common sense...,@retoor Unfortunately I don't have much time currently :( Big deadline at work coming up,Yeah... that's why people use electron :P
2024-12-08 22:46:28 +00:00
All desktop gui sucks. The only somewhat good things I have heard was for Qt and Flutter,@ScriptCoded @retoor +1 for millisearch. They are legit, they have like 18 employees. It's not just some random hobby project,@retoor Huh guess I confused elastic search with aws elastic whatever its called
With elastic search being open source that's also definitely a good choice,@retoor You'll never understand, old friend ;),@antigermanist Any reasonable person thinks "being able to steal $1000 of merchandise and the police doesn't even show up because it's been made effectively legal by deluded lefty lawmakers" is a bad thing
Yes, stealing is bad. Yes, it's a crime and should be punished. That's not a radical position in any way, I have no idea how you can't see this,@Demolishun Maui looks promising. A friend of mine used it and he was pretty happy with it
But my big problem with these "flavor of the month" frameworks (awt, swing, javafx, maui, etcpp) is that they just never gain enough traction. They always end up as these kinda half finished, half featureful libraries that are just kinda disappointing,@ScriptCoded Hey hey now, that would be bad for business ;),@antigermanist Why do you have to be such an cringy edge lord
Obviously not everything the authority does is good and should be tolerated. Punishing people for stealing is *not* one of those times
Like honestly, can you not think for yourself? In your mind everything the "evil" state does HAS to be bad because the state did it
2024-12-11 16:53:22 +00:00
No. Think for yourself for goodness sake. Think rationally about the incentives, the outcomes. The good things and the bad things. And then come to a conclusion based on logic and morality instead of whatever the fuck you are using to come to conclusions, because your takes so far have been frankly laughable,@retoor I'm not as young as you think!,@retoor :P,@retoor Hell yeah! Fuck frontend javascript, fake dom, dom diffing bullshit
It's so insanely over complicated for almost no reason. Like reddit. I can implement the frontend for reddit in literally 300 lines of javascript. It doesn't need 3'000'000,@jestdotty Idiomatic really just means "as a reasonable and experienced dev would do it in this language"
2024-12-09 22:10:17 +00:00
I.e. in Rust it means to not make everything way too functional or not functional at all. Or use unsafe all over the place, that sort of stuff,@antigermanist It continues to amaze me how the most indoctrinated people can believe they are free thinkers lol
Just to spell it out: You are in a literal cult. None of what you say or believe is what you came up with. It's all just repackaged from the thought leaders in your little cult. YOU are the android. YOU are the NPC that just follows the far left status quo,@antigermanist You literally cannot defend one of your positions rationally. I destroyed you in every debate we've had
And the reason is what I just laid out: Because you haven't actually *thought* about your world view, you just repeat what other people are saying,@retoor I'm gonna wait and see :D,@antigermanist You got mad at me for saying theft should be punished. You do literally 0 logical thinking at any time of day,@kiki Lefties are for more government control even though they claim it's systemically racist and corrupt. They hate cops but want people thrown in jail over tweets.
Yeah, it kinda doesn't make any sense at all. That's my biggest issue with the leftie world view,@retoor Take your time, no worries :D
In the mean time I'll see if I can get some nice volumetric clouds to render...,@kiki Sounds pretty reasonable
What subgroup of the left would you categorize yourself in?
From what I can gather, ostream is very much in the "woke identity politics" subgroup and that's the one I have an issue with,@kiki (ping for updated comment),@retoor If it was that easy ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Gimme a few days at least :P,@retoor Here's a nice sunset of the atmosphere rendering code I was "developing" (integrating the reference implementation, I ain't touching no math :P),@kiki The trans issue is a whole debate in and of itself
Trans people do exist and I have no problems with people living their lives
What I do have a problem with is a.) transitioning kids, because they cannot consent, and b.) the tendency to just make some shit up and then say "trans rights are human rights" and now magically we have to obey them
E.g. trying to censors peoples speech if it doesn't agree. In many first world countries you could reasonably get a fine or be thrown in jail for tweeting "there are only two genders", because that's "hate speech",@kiki I agree that there is certainly very hateful and mean spirited speech, but I'm super not a fan of hate speech laws for one simple reason: Who defines what hate speech is?
In a sense we (as a society) already had this discussion: Because anyone might be offended by anything, it's foolish and dangerous to ban vast areas of speech over it. We should allow as much speech as possible and the truth will ultimately prevail
The more cynical (and imo true) take on hate speech laws is that it's just far lefty marxist types trying to gain power over society because they are really not good people driven by even worse motives
Either way, I think they are a bad idea,@kiki It really depends on what you mean by trans rights
Do I think trans people should be treated respectfully and fairly? Absolutely!
But that's not really "trans rights" but just human rights. Everybody should be treated well regardless of who they are,@kiki "This is why I'm glad it's not up to me to make policies that affect millions"
Oh man, that's relatable. Honestly the reason I tend to stay away from politics. There's just too much to consider and it's so complex that it's sometimes just better to not have an opinion lol,@kiki I wish more people would realize that not having an opinion isn't a bad thing!
If you haven't researched something enough to form a well founded opinion you could defend in a debate, it's actually so much better to not have an opinion instead of delivering bad takes,@retoor Man xD,@retoor Like "oh man" :P,@retoor Listen up buddy,@jestdotty No, not at all
Idiomatic just means "as typcial for this programming language"
There are lots of cases where somebody uses a tool wrong. Like if you program C like it was Java. Obviously that's a bad idea. Or if you use Java like it was a functional language. You just end up fighting the language instead of using it. I did that back in the day and it was horrible
Idiomatic just means using a tool like it was intended to be used,@jestdotty Bruh, lol is so toxic, I don't think it compares to people saying "I think this could be implmented a bit more simply" ๐Ÿ’€,@retoor Man, I hated python but now I kinda like it. The only think missing for me is operator overloading :P,@retoor Wait holy shit you actually can!
Maybe I was confusing it with javascript....
Yeah python fucking rocks now!,@retoor Okay don't go too far.... It's not like rust :P
Rust is complex but beautiful in it's own way
2024-12-11 16:53:22 +00:00
Python is beautiful because it's simple yet flexible,@retoor You sneaky bugger,@retoor yeah but like... He should be able to to do that. That's literally what free speech is. And if people don't like it there's an easy solution: Leave,Fuck off with your shitty bot account and botted updoots
fucking loser,@cafecortado Look at his post history lol,@retoor,@Buffon Kill yourself. Fucking useless cunt
I hope you have a bad day in whatever shit hole country you live,@Buffon Shut your worthless whore mouth. You are below me in every facet,@netikras Only comments under spam posts. I think that's fine,@netikras The problem is spam posts with botted updoots. If you spam them with "THIS IS A SCAMMER" or something, the spam becomes ineffective and they will stop,@retoor Ah well, ya tried :D,@atheist I don't :(
I downvoted to many bot accounts,@GOAT Kill yourself,Ahh the plan is working.... slowly converting to the dark side... yes my padawan...,@Chewbanacas Funny how that snippet is also perfectly valid rust code lol,@localpost It's just a talentless loser who has nothing better to do in his life
2024-12-17 15:29:43 +00:00
Really just don't engage with him at all, since nobody likes him he'll lose interest soon enough like the other two botting retards that were here a few months ago,Kill yourself,@donkulator Please don't engage with this retard, this is a bot account probably just recycling old rants,Sounds like a good time to me,And let's not even get started on COM interfaces,uefi was SO CLOSE to being a good idea
But then microsoft and intel were involved
2024-12-28 07:23:30 +00:00
And then it wasn't a good idea anymore,Aw that's sweet,@cafecortado carrier grade nat? If so, did you try calling them? A friend of mine had the same issue and they just disabled it for him so now he has a proper ipv4,The reddit is very active unlike c++,I know this doesn't help much but when you're wrapping a bunch of stuff in mutexes, it's often not a great idea
For very multithreaded code I think a more actor-ish approach works best where you send "messages" to each other instead of locking global datastructures
For less multithreaded code it's often best to have your data be owned by a "context" object or something inside a slotmap and only reference the objects with indices. This way, instead of Arc<Mutex<T>>, the ownership is so much simpler since it's now all just dependent on the context object. Then you can pass that context object as a reference down the call stack
Doesn't always work of course, but just some of my thoughts. Code architecture in Rust is hard!,@MM83 Wrong
(queue trump clip),@MM83 Rust's pretty great but also frustrating some times
Still my favorite language by far, it's so beautiful,@jestdotty You're already taked about you hate going to other languages due to some of the things Rust does great
Don't pretend ;),@jestdotty But if it smells good I don't see the problem,@jestdotty Rust is used in crypto but I think it's only a small part of the rust community. Rust is used a lot where C++ makes sense, so more low level stuff like load balancers, databases, game engines
Dropbox and Cloudflare have a bunch of their backbone infrastructure in Rust for example,@Demolishun Not using Rust because some people are idiots is extremely foolish
Not to mention that Rust is one of the lesser political communities. Rust never had a BLM or feminism or whatever banner on any of their websites like Go and SASS did. They don't have any DEI programs or shit like that. Even their reddit (with reddit being as insufferably left wing as possible in general) isn't political at all. There's no rainbow flags or nothing
I think you have a seriously false impression,@Demolishun I read the Rust reddit fairly actively and I can't say I have ever seen political activism (though my memory isn't that great)
2025-01-09 22:10:12 +00:00
Only pretty drama every now and then,Because the world isn't black and white
Sometimes a little nuance goes a long way,Not using the latest gulp -> webpack -> rollup -> esbuild -> vite pipeline ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ,Sometimes it can be really great for finding stuff since you can just explain your idea in plain english unlike on google
But it's mostly just good as a quick encyclopedia, I don't trust much of the math or code it gives me,Sounds like you've got your priorities in order,> and get everyone unconditional free milk
Surely...,@kiki Here's the actual version:
Communism: you have two cows. Because you dared having someone not everyone has, the communist agitators rile up the indoctrinated townsfolk so that they lynch your family and rape your wife
The two cows are taken by the bureau and put into a communal form. Due to corruption and mismanagement the cows starve to death before ever producing any milk
After waiting for 4 hours in line you notice that there is no more milk available, so you have to go hungry another day,It's okay, we can't all be soldiers of god, some of us have to be wrong
2025-01-14 19:08:20 +00:00
:P,America be like:,Never! Only correct z-index is -999,I think it has been removed from the app store
Maybe skyRant or another third party client has an ios app?,Not really, there's so much wrong with it. So fake, so illusionary
2025-01-09 22:10:12 +00:00
Almost nothing you see online is actually real. It's people living a live they can't afford to pretend to be something they aren't. And it influences your behaviour
All of it is just bad,Not sure what you mean but im still pissed the fuck off that they now prohibit linux users with their new anti cheat
2025-01-19 00:19:00 +00:00
IVE PLAYED OVER A 1000 HOURS OF THIS SHIT FUCK YOU,@devJs No! You don't understand. The only time to use z-index is when you already hate everyone and everything and at that point -999 is what you need. And if that doesn't work then you throw your keyboard out of the window,@CN257 The programming socks will stay on during sex!,gz!,@TeachMeCode Surely thats him and not a random stock photo...,@antigermgerm I've seen your previous photo so I know that's absolutely not you
But good on ya, climbing is a cool ass sport,@antigermgerm You're gonna end up like Carl Phillip Trump if you're not careful,@antigermgerm Guy who's taking a lot of lsd and speed and is giga shizo because of it https://youtube.com/watch/...,Me when I'm getting paid by the request:,@antigermgerm Scroll a little bit to the end
And that's an old video nowadays he's even worse lol,The database is fucked after all the spam in the last months,Gee I wonder why,Depends on your problem. Some things Rust is great at and others it's a pain
Also depends on what kind of devs you team has. Rust is more in the direction of haskell autists. I.e. if you just wanna quickly get something working no matter how ugly or fragile, Rust isn't a particularly great choice,@atheist Might also have disadvantages if the others hate you for using it lol,@atheist That's actually one really common thing: One knowledgeable, enthusiastic guy pushes their team to make the next project in Rust. Then they figure out it's not that easy and then they are all frustrated and curse rust and hate it
Heard that quite a few times,@atheist Yup. Unfortunately if you're in a team, chances are that you have a bunch of devs who aren't that passionate. And they'll hate Rust even though in the end it would be a benefit, and then they sour the batch for everbody,@jestdotty The nice thing is though that once you've learned how to write in Rust your code in other languages will likely also be a lot better
But it certainly does take a long time to become truly good at rust. I've been using it since 2018 and only in the last few months do I feel like I don't hate my Rust code.... BUT I've also started writing simpler code ("simple", not "bad"!) without trying to overengineer. That helped A LOT in Rust,@retoor Because you learn how to structure code in a simple yet robust way. You also learn a lot about correct multi threading
And more than anything else, you truly get a new perspective on coding. Something you cannot get from only C like languages because they are all too similar to eachother,@jestdotty No thats not what I'm saying at all. That's just bad code. Good code shouldn't be complicated!
Have you guys never used a truly different language like ocaml or haskell? Something not C-like
It's so enlightening stepping out of your comfort zone,@jestdotty I get you. Rust is certainly complex by nature. But.. it's also pretty pragmatic. It's not a complete nerd language like haskell. Rust was made to solve problems
It's complex but not by choice like haskell. It's as complex as it is to solve a big issue: Memory safe low level development. But in addition to thatthat (which does result in quite some complexity) there's just so much nice stuff Rust has to give which no other language has ever given me
I'm honestly still in the honey moon phase with Rust even after 7 years of using it. I don't know maybe I'm just weird but for me it's just such a beautiful little language,@jestdotty Yeah but what's the downside after having gone through the painful learning part? You almost say it like it's bad to get sucked into Rust
I can write super fast and memory safe programs now, so I'm happy with it,@antigermgerm At least self aware :D,@Tounai Very much agree. But what people often don't see is that Rust is pretty pragmatic aswell. People always think Rust does it the hard way because why not. But really, it tries to be as nice and helpful as it can,AND I WANT FREE HOOKERS,@jestdotty In the beginning definitely. But it's a one time thing, so personally I'm not that mad about it,I hecking looooove oppresive dictatorships where people starve to death
2025-01-20 17:25:25 +00:00
Hecking capitalism sucks!!!,@antigermgerm Have you ever considered that you are just retarded?,Not entirely a goto since this still only allows structured control flow unlike real goto
But it's still a useful trick sometimes :D,Btw if you actually want to do this, use a do {} while(false) instead of a for, that way you don't have to remember to put a break at the end of each scope (for(;;) is an infinite loop),@kiki I've seen some traffic cone videos on only fans.... Not sure they count as reviews though,@Demolishun I'm just being facetious, of course I get it. In a sense you aren't paying 300 bucks for a few gigs of sound recordings. You are paying for the expertise of the people, the sound equipment, the opportunity to even drive that car, recording it, mixing it, cleaning it up, labeling it properly
2025-01-26 02:10:55 +00:00
I get that. But there still is that feeling of paying over 300 bucks for essentially 20 seconds of recording that's relevant to my usecase lol,@kiki Probably a life sized russian emo robot gf, I can feel it,ouuuh, nice view!,I love systematic racism against white people ๐Ÿ‘,Bitte piss mir ins gesicht,@Demolishun People in the comments weren't feeling it. I guess too sexual for a post or something. Oh well
Here's the image anyways if you want it :P```