Requests WIP: getRant

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Wilhelm Oks 2024-12-18 15:35:42 +01:00
parent b6fd0219fb
commit 793db8bac9

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@ -133,4 +133,28 @@ public struct SwiftDevRant {
return return
} }
/// Gets a single rant and its comments.
/// - Parameters:
/// - token: The token from the `logIn` call response.
/// - rantId: The id of the rant.
/// - lastCommentId: Only fetch the comments which were posted after the one corresponding to this id. Pass `nil` to get all comments.
public func getRant(token: AuthToken, rantId: Int, lastCommentId: Int? = nil) async throws -> (rant: Rant, comments: [Comment]) {
var parameters: [String: String] = [:]
parameters["last_comment_id"] = lastCommentId.flatMap { String($0) }
//parameters["ver"] = "" //TODO: check if this is needed
let config = makeConfig(.get, path: "devrant/rants/\(rantId)", urlParameters: parameters)
struct Response: Codable {
let rant: Rant.CodingData
let comments: [Comment.CodingData]?
let response: Response = try await request.requestJson(config: config, apiError: DevRantApiError.CodingData.self)
return (rant: response.rant.decoded, comments: response.comments?.map(\.decoded) ?? [])
} }