"review":"8\n\n### Bugs\n- No significant bugs are identified in the current implementation.\n\n### Optimizations\n- Code comments could be added for better understanding and maintainability.\n- Consider using more descriptive documentation comments for the structures and properties to clarify their intended use.\n\n### Good points\n- The use of Swift's Error protocol makes it easy to handle the error within the language's error-handling mechanisms.\n- The design separates concerns by having a specific struct for coding data, adhering to the single responsibility principle.\n- The implementation of a computed property `decoded` provides a clear and convenient way to convert coding data into a `DevRantApiError`.\n\n### Summary\nThe code provides a clear and well-structured implementation for handling errors coming from the DevRant API. It leverages Swift's standard practices for error handling and maintains a clean separation of concerns. While the code is concise and effective, adding comments and more detailed documentation could further enhance its maintainability.\n\n### Open source alternatives\n- **Alamofire**: A popular Swift-based library for handling network requests and responses in iOS applications, which includes error handling utilities.\n- **Moya**: A network abstraction layer over Alamofire, which provides more structured networking and error handling.",