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2024-12-10 18:12:13 +00:00
import Foundation
public struct Rant: Identifiable, Hashable {
/// The id of this rant.
public let id: Int
/// The text contents of this rant.
public let text: String
/// The number of upvotes from other users.
public let score: Int
/// The time when this rant was created.
public let created: Date
/// The optional image that the user has uploaded for this rant.
public let image: AttachedImage?
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/// The number of comments that this rant has.
public let numberOfComments: Int
/// The tags for this rant.
public let tags: [String]
/// The current logged in user's vote on this rant.
public let voteState: VoteState
/// True if this rant is edited by the author.
public let isEdited: Bool
/// True if this rant has been marked as a favorite by the logged in user.
public var isFavorite: Bool
/// A URL link to this rant.
public let linkToRant: String?
/// The URLs and user mentions inside of the text of this rant.
public var linksInText: [Link]
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/// Holds information about the weekly topic if this rant is of type weekly.
public let weekly: Weekly?
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/// Holds information about the collaboration project if this rant is of type collaboration.
public let collaboration: Collaboration?
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/// The user who wrote this rant.
public let author: User
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extension Rant {
struct CodingData: Codable {
let id: Int
let text: String
let score: Int
let created_time: Int
let attached_image: AttachedImage.CodingData?
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let num_comments: Int
let tags: [String]
let vote_state: Int
let edited: Bool
let favorited: Int?
let link: String?
let links: [Link.CodingData]?
let weekly: Weekly.CodingData?
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let c_type_long: String?
let c_description: String?
let c_tech_stack: String?
let c_team_size: String?
let c_url: String?
let user_id: Int
let user_username: String
let user_score: Int
let user_avatar: User.Avatar.CodingData
let user_avatar_lg: User.Avatar.CodingData
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let user_dpp: Int?
extension Rant.CodingData {
var decoded: Rant {
id: id,
text: text,
score: score,
created: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(created_time)),
image: attached_image?.decoded,
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numberOfComments: num_comments,
tags: tags,
voteState: .init(rawValue: vote_state) ?? .unvoted,
isEdited: edited,
isFavorite: (favorited ?? 0) != 0,
linkToRant: link,
linksInText: links?.map(\.decoded) ?? [],
weekly: weekly?.decoded,
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collaboration: decodedCollaboration,
author: .init(
id: user_id,
name: user_username,
score: user_score,
devRantSupporter: (user_dpp ?? 0) != 0,
avatar: user_avatar.decoded,
avatarLarge: user_avatar_lg.decoded
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private var decodedCollaboration: Collaboration? {
let collaborationProperties = [c_type_long, c_description, c_tech_stack, c_team_size, c_url]
let nonNilProperties = collaborationProperties.compactMap { $0 }
guard !nonNilProperties.isEmpty else { return nil }
return .init(
type: c_type_long ?? "",
description: c_description ?? "",
techStack: c_tech_stack ?? "",
teamSize: c_team_size ?? "",
url: c_url ?? ""